In The Minds Of Those Who Might Be Considering Violence In America.” “The concept of concealed carry is as much intended to deter criminal activity as it is to provide direct defense of those who have those permits. Not all concealed carry permit holders ‘carry’ all the time. Thus, the deterrent value is that those who might contemplate criminal behavior will think twice when that doubt exists. Carrying a weapon is not always feasible or appropriate. However, given the increased tensions that are the result of continued, escalating terrorism around the world, more legitimately armed individuals on the streets is a positive outcome. Each permit holder must make the decision to carry or not carry. I will carry more often than I have in the past, and I am sure other concealed permit holders will do the same. Do we have an obligation to carry? The answer is ‘yes,’ but we must do it in such a way as to raise serious doubts in the minds of those who might be considering violence in America. Deterring violence is far better than dealing with the aftermath of an act of terror. Less blood, more security. That is what will make America great again.” [Breitbart, 11/18/15] ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN 2015: Donald Trump Supported Allowing Americans To Buy And Own Assault Weapons And Called For An End To Gun-Free Zones. “Donald Trump said Tuesday he supports allowing Americans to legally buy and own assault weapons. ‘You have to be because the bad guys are going to have them anyway,’ Trump told CNN's Chris Cuomo on ‘New Day.’ ‘What happens when the bad guys have the assault weapons and you don't in a confrontation?’ Trump suggested overturning gun-free zones and said civilians with guns could have stopped the mass shooting at a community college last week in Oregon.” [CNN, 10/6/15] • 2000: Donald Trump Supported The Assault Weapons Ban And Longer Waiting Periods. “‘I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun,’ Trump wrote in his 2000 book ‘The America We Deserve.’" [CNN, 10/6/15] GUN FREE ZONES TRUMP CALLED FOR THE ELIMINATION OF GUN FREE ZONES, WHICH HE CALLED “TARGET PRACTICE” FOR THE “SICKOS” AND THE MENTALLY ILL Trump: “Get Rid Of Gun Free Zones. The Four Great Marines Who Were Just Shot Never Had A Chance. They Were Highly Trained But Helpless Without Guns.” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 7/17/15] Wonkblog: “Little Data Supports” Donald Trump’s Claim That Gun-Free Zones Are “Target Practice For The Sickos And For The Mentally Ill.” “‘I feel that the gun-free zones and, you know, when you say that, that's target practice for the sickos and for the mentally ill,’ he told moderator Carl Quintanilla. ‘That's target [practice]. They look around for gun-free zones.’ But little data supports this claim. For starters, if you probe the reasons why shooters target particular places, you typically find that gunmen have a grievance attached to a particular location. A Mother Jones analysis of mass shootings between 1982 and 2015 found not one single Confidential Page 125

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