should re-examine our policy to make sure that these prohibitions do not impede law abiding citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights.” [Ammoland, 7/7/15] TRUMP SUPPORTED RESTRICTIONS ON GUN PURCHASES FOR PEOPLE ON THE TERROR WATCH LIST Donald Trump Said “If Somebody Is On A Watch List And An Enemy Of State” They Should Be Prohibited From Buying A Gun.” “Trump also said those on terror watch lists should be restricted from purchasing guns if they are a known ‘enemy of state.’ Currently, someone one a terror watch list can legally purchase a gun in the U.S. ‘If somebody is on a watch list and an enemy of state and we know it's an enemy of state, I would keep them away, absolutely,’ Trump said, while emphasizing that he is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment's right to bear arms. ‘If we have an enemy of state, I don't want to give him anything,’ Trump said. ‘I want to have him in jail -- that's what I want. I want to have him in jail.’” [ABC News, 11/22/15] MAGAZINE LIMITS TRUMP SAID HE FOUGHT THE SAFE ACT IN NEW YORK AND OPPOSED MAGAZINE LIMITS Trump Opposed Regulations On The Number Of Rounds Allowed In Gun Magazines. TRUMP: “Gun magazine limits do not make common sense. I have long opposed such limits. For instance, I fought the SAFE Act in New York, which I call the ‘Unsafe Act.’ I also spoke at a rally in Albany championing gun rights and protesting the Unsafe Act. The law limited capacity to seven rounds, as if criminals were going to take rounds out of their magazines before committing a crime. It was later changed to a limit of ten rounds, but the entire episode was a complete disaster.” [Ammoland, 7/7/15] PERMITS AND CONCEALED CARRY TRUMP SAID HE CARRIES “ON OCCASION” TO BE “UNPREDICTABLE” Donald Trump Said He Carries A Gun “On Occasion” Because “I Like To Be Unpredictable.” “Donald Trump said he carries a firearm ‘on occasion’ — but not always, because he likes to keep people guessing. Trump said he’d feel ‘more comfortable’ if employees at his company were armed, but he noted that having a permit is ‘very unusual in New York.’‘I do carry on occasion, sometimes a lot,’ he said. ‘But I like to be unpredictable.’ Trump said his carrying decisions are in contrast to the country's military policy, which he said is ‘totally predictable.’” [Politico, 10/28/15] TRUMP: PEOPLE WHO HAVE GUN PERMITS HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO CARRY Donald Trump Said People With A Permit To Carry A Firearm Have An Obligation To Carry A Gun, When Feasible And Appropriate, So As To “Raise Serious Doubts Confidential Page 124

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