Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.” [Trump Tax Plan, Donald J. Trump For President, Released 9/28/15] • Headline: “Trump’s Tax Plan Could Cost $12 Trillion, And Save Him Millions In Taxes Each Year.” [Time, 9/29/15] TRUMP’S PLAN LOWERED THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX RATE AND CHANGED THE THRESHOLDS AT WHICH IT KICKS IN Donald Trump’s Tax Plan Would Cut Taxes On Capital Gains. “The top capital gains rate would be cut to 20 percent from 23.8 percent, through the elimination of Obamacare's 3.8 percent surtax. The first 15 percent capital gains rate would kick in at $100,000 for couples, not the current $74,900. But the 20 percent rate would kick in a little earlier: $300,000, not $464,850.” [Vox, 9/28/15] TRUMP’S “POPULIST” TAX PLAN ACTUALLY GAVE SIGNIFICANT BREAKS TO THE WEALTHIEST ONE PERCENT Headline: “Donald Trump Is Hoodwinking The Media With His Tax Plan.” “Today [9/28/15], after months of faking that he was going to break with GOP orthodoxy on taxes, Donald Trump proposed a plan to cut income tax rates across the board, a structure that necessarily delivers especially large tax cuts to the highest-income taxpayers. Yet a surprising number of media outlets reported something close to the opposite. The Financial Times ran a headline touting Trump's ‘populist’ tax message.’ … But while this is what Trump said, it's pretty clearly not what his plan actually does. A quick analysis by the Center for Tax Justice suggests that about one-third of the financial benefit of Trump's plan would flow to the richest 1 percent. ” [Vox, 9/28/15] The Atlantic: Donald Trump’s “Amazingly Conventional” And “Utterly Plain- Vanilla” Tax Plan Would Basically Do “What Republican Candidates And Lawmakers Have Been Proposing For Years.” “Maybe Donald Trump isn’t such an unconventional politician after all. The Republican presidential frontrunner released his tax plan on Monday morning, and the most noteworthy thing about the proposal is how utterly plain-vanilla it is. Yes, Trump’s plan would dramatically reshape the tax code by cutting the current seven income brackets to four, slashing rates for the rich, poor, and businesses, and eliminating a host of loopholes and deductions. But that’s basically what Republican candidates and lawmakers have been proposing for years. Trump is hardly breaking the mold.” [The Atlantic, 9/28/15] TAX BURDEN MR. 47 PERCENT OF THE 2016 CYCLE: TRUMP SAID HALF THE PEOPLE “DON’T PAY ANY TAX” AND AREN’T “CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIETY” Trump: “Half Of The People Don't Pay Any Tax … And Are Not Contributing To Society.” DOOCY: “When the president, Donald, talks about there has to be shared sacrifice, you know, there are a lot of people in this country, over half, don't even pay any federal taxes. So he's really talking about you. You're going to have to sacrifice more.” TRUMP: “Well, you know, I Confidential Page 168

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