Clinton Foundation: “The Board Recognizes That, Due To Extraordinary Security And Other Requirements, William J. Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, And Chelsea Clinton May Require The Need To Travel By Charter Or In First Class, The Determination Of Which Will Be Made On A Case-By-Case Basis.” [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 11/19/14] …AND THEN-SENATOR CLINTON SPENT AN AVERAGE OF $28,125 PER YEAR DURING HER TIME IN THE SENATE Bloomberg: Then-Senator Clinton “Took More Than 200 Privately Chartered Flights At Taxpayer Expense…As She Racked Up $225,756 In Flight Costs.” “Hillary Clinton took more than 200 privately chartered flights at taxpayer expense during her eight years in the U.S. Senate, sometimes using the jets of corporations and major campaign donors as she racked up $225,756 in flight costs.” [Bloomberg, 1/29/15] Bloomberg: “While Some Senators Don’t Charter Flights At All, Clinton’s Eight-Year Average Of $28,125 Per Year Falls Within The Range Of Other Lawmakers.” [Bloomberg, 1/29/15] Bloomberg: “There Is No Evidence Her Senate Trips, Which Ranged In Cost From Less Than $200 To Upwards Of $3,000 Per Flight, Ran Afoul Of Senate Rules, Which Were Tightened By A 2007 Ethics Law.” [Bloomberg, 1/29/15] CLINTON FOUNDATION AND HAITI THE CLINTONS BECAME EXTENSIVELY INVOLVED IN HAITI REBUILDING AFTER THE 2010 EARTHQUAKE THROUGH THE STATE DEPARTMENT, THE UNITED NATIONS, THE FOUNDATION, AND SEPARATE AID FUNDS Washington Post: After Haiti’s 2010 Earthquake, The Clintons “Helped Mobilize An Effort In Which International Donors Pledged $10.4 Billion, Including $3.9 Billion From The United States.” “With former president Clinton assigned by the United Nations to head up the emergency recovery effort and Hillary Clinton guiding official U.S. assistance as secretary of state, the couple helped a relief effort that has included some of the world’s richest people, biggest celebrities and most successful businesses. The Clintons also helped mobilize an effort in which international donors pledged $10.4 billion, including $3.9 billion from the United States.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] Washington Post: Clinton Foundation Haiti Programs Include Helping “2,000 Small Farmers, An Artisan-Goods Company That Employs More Than 300 People, A Fish-Farming Operation, A Cholera Treatment Center And Improvements To Schools In Some Of Haiti’s Poorest Slums.” “Greg Milne, director of the Clinton Foundation’s Haiti Program, said projects include efforts that have helped more than 2,000 small farmers, an artisan-goods company that employs more than 300 people, a

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