New York Times: In May 2013, Secretary Clinton “Hired A Former State Department Aide To Join Her At What Is Now Being Called The Bill, Hillary And Chelsea Clinton Foundation.” “Settling the question of whether she would be part of her husband’s foundation or start her own, Hillary Rodham Clinton has hired a former State Department aide to join her at what is now being called the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Until recently it was called the William J. Clinton Foundation…[Maura Pally] will serve as the executive director of Mrs. Clinton’s office at the foundation, directing Mrs. Clinton’s work there, much of which is expected to focus on the women’s issues she championed at the State Department.” [New York Times, 5/30/13] 2013: Clinton Foundation Confirmed That It Provided “First-Class Or Charter Travel” For One Or More Of Its Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, And Highest Compensated Employees. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 11/19/14] ----- [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 11/19/14] 2012: Clinton Foundation Stated That It Had Not Provided “First-Class Or Charter Travel” For Any Of Its Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, And Highest Compensated Employees. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 9/10/13] Commented [BJ3]: In 2013, it looks like private travel was permitted for “officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees,” though their reporting is quite vague.

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