o I learned in the first 9 months of the Bush-Cheney administration, prior to 9/11, not to trust them. Bush said he was not a divider, that he would regulate CO2, and he broke those promises early on. o Many of the cheerleaders for the Iraq War had been writing to advocate regime change for years. Hawks wanted disorder and chaos sweeping through the region. So-called neo-cons, inexperienced in war, were gung-ho, and didn’t have the guts to argue their points to the American people. They knew there were no WMDs and they purposely mislead us. After a CIA briefing, I wasn’t convinced. It’s heartbreaking that more of my colleagues failed to do their homework. Those who mislead us are still key advisors to presidential campaigns today.  We have to change our thinking, find a way to wage peace. Let’s have a rewrite for PNAC.  The 70th anniversary of the UN is in a few weeks—its charter says to unite our strength to maintain peace and security. Let’s reinvigorate the United Nations.  Let’s be bold—I would institute a ban on ambassadorships for sale. I want the best trained of these people doing the best work. It’s crucial the integrity of SecState never questioned.  Allow Snowden to come home  Drone strikes are not working—leads to chaos in Yemen and pesters Pakistan, not worth collateral damage and toxic hatred, let’s stop them.  Praises TPP  “I would repair relations with Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela”  Rethink the war on drugs—let’s have an active, open-minded approach to drug trafficking.  Wants to end capitol punishment  Wants to go to the metric system  Quotes MLK Jr

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