Chafee announcement
Hits Jeb-affiliated PNAC a few times Officially in We must extricate ourselves from wars We must be investing in public schools and colleges, especially in the cities We must do more for Native Americans, new Americans Priorities must be education, infrastructure, healthcare, environmental stewardship, and a strong middle class There were 23 senators that voted against the Iraq war—I’d like to share my reasons o The long painful chapter of the Vietnam era was finally ending. This was my generation and the last thing I wanted was any return. o I learned in the first 9 months of the Bush-Cheney administration, prior to 9/11, not to trust them. Bush said he was not a divider, that he would regulate CO2, and he broke those promises early on. o Many of the cheerleaders for the Iraq War had been writing to advocate regime change for years. Hawks wanted disorder and chaos sweeping through the region. So-called neo-cons, inexperienced in war, were gung-ho, and didn’t have the guts to argue their points to the American people. They knew there were no WMDs and they purposely mislead us. After a CIA briefing, I wasn’t convinced. It’s heartbreaking that more of my colleagues failed to do their homework. Those who mislead us are still key advisors to presidential campaigns today. We have to change our thinking, find a way to wage peace. Let’s have a rewrite for PNAC. The 70th anniversary of the UN is in a few weeks—its charter says to unite our strength to maintain peace and security. Let’s reinvigorate the United Nations. Let’s be bold—I would institute a ban on ambassadorships for sale. I want the best trained of these people doing the best work. It’s crucial the integrity of SecState never questioned. Allow Snowden to come home Drone strikes are not working—leads to chaos in Yemen and pesters Pakistan, not worth collateral damage and toxic hatred, let’s stop them. Praises TPP “I would repair relations with Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela” Rethink the war on drugs—let’s have an active, open-minded approach to drug trafficking. Wants to end capitol punishment Wants to go to the metric system Quotes MLK Jr Hits Jeb-affiliated PNAC a few times Officially in We must extricate ourselves from wars We must be investing in public schools and colleges, especially in the cities We must do more for Native Americans, new Americans Priorities must be education, infrastructure, healthcare, environmental stewardship, and a strong middle class There were 23 senators that voted against the Iraq war—I’d like to share my reasons o The long painful chapter of the Vietnam era was finally ending. This was my generation and the last thing I wanted was any return.
o I learned in the first 9 months of the Bush-Cheney administration, prior to 9/11, not to trust them. Bush said he was not a divider, that he would regulate CO2, and he broke those promises early on. o Many of the cheerleaders for the Iraq War had been writing to advocate regime change for years. Hawks wanted disorder and chaos sweeping through the region. So-called neo-cons, inexperienced in war, were gung-ho, and didn’t have the guts to argue their points to the American people. They knew there were no WMDs and they purposely mislead us. After a CIA briefing, I wasn’t convinced. It’s heartbreaking that more of my colleagues failed to do their homework. Those who mislead us are still key advisors to presidential campaigns today. We have to change our thinking, find a way to wage peace. Let’s have a rewrite for PNAC. The 70th anniversary of the UN is in a few weeks—its charter says to unite our strength to maintain peace and security. Let’s reinvigorate the United Nations. Let’s be bold—I would institute a ban on ambassadorships for sale. I want the best trained of these people doing the best work. It’s crucial the integrity of SecState never questioned. Allow Snowden to come home Drone strikes are not working—leads to chaos in Yemen and pesters Pakistan, not worth collateral damage and toxic hatred, let’s stop them. Praises TPP “I would repair relations with Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela” Rethink the war on drugs—let’s have an active, open-minded approach to drug trafficking. Wants to end capitol punishment Wants to go to the metric system Quotes MLK Jr