1997 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (B_Clinton_1997)
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary w IGx 1 rnmcdi;tte Rclexe April 13, 1998 STATEMENT BY THE PRESS SECRETiUXY The President and Mrs. Clinton’s 1997 federal income tax return shows $9 Z ,964 in Federal Income Tax on an Adjusted Gross Income of $569,5 1 I, of which S200,OOO Was the President’s S&U-V. The return shows that the CIintons made an overpayment on their taxes d -_ . H ons have elected to apply this overpayment to their 1998 in addition to the Presider 1 t’s salary, the Clintons’ income included royalty income in the amount otS2S 139s from hlrs. C 1 inton’s book, It Takes A Wlla~; interest and dividend income and cx~it~l gains reported bv Pell Rudman Trust Company, the Trustee of the Clinton? blind . e ;rust; other interest and divideild’income; a retid of 1996 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAtaxes paid by the Clmtons to the State of Arkansas; and residual payments. . ‘AK return reports dividend and interest income of S 12,000 from the “Henry G. Freeman, jr., Pin &Ioney Fund,” established under his 1912 will for whoever is, at a given time, the spouse of the President of the TI,jnired States. ivirs. Clinton w-iii contribute this income to charitable . . emtre s, a.s she hx in prior years. The renx-n also reports S270,725 in charitable contributions by the Clintons. The contributions ivere derived primarily from the proceeds of Mrs. Clinton’s book. A11 income from . the book (net of taxes and administrative expenses) is being donated to charity. Ci~Isea Clinton filed her oavn federal income tax return for 1997, which shows S1,106 in tax on income of SS,-247.