66 ТВОРЧЕСКИ АГЕНЦИИ | CREATIVE AGENCIES по-спокойно. Опитът е хубаво нещо, но още по-хубава е енергията на новото. По света брандовете се молят да открият някой, преди да е станал популярен. Тук все още ни е страх да направим дори и крачка към нещо непознато. Как тогава ще отскочим? която им повтаря едно и също: „Бъди себе си“, „Не следвай другите“ Кой е най-важният критерий, който трябва да покрие един и т.н. Както казва Lee Clow: Attention is paid when attention is рекламист, за да повлияе на аудиторията/потребителите? Сега deserved. като че ли хората са уморени от дигиталната реклама. Емпатия, с която да имаш чувствителност за контекста. Така Как се стимулира ангажираността с повече канали? можеш да решиш дали да правиш още от същото, или да извадиш Повече канали значи повече възможности да кажеш кой си и за от другото. Да чуваш, да гледаш, да усещаш какво вълнува какво се бориш. Ако нямаш какво да кажеш обаче, количеството аудиторията в момента. Хората са уморени от скучната реклама, няма да ти помогне колкото и канали да имаш на разположение. EXPERIENCE IS Top 5 challenges today’s creative teams A GOOD THING, players how to hit the ball in the goal or face: BUT ENERGY OF make more accurate passes. It’s my job to 1. The most important thing for our work THE NEW IS EVEN make them a team. And to give them such is to have fun while doing it. This is felt in tasks, to arrange such a strategy for each the final product no matter whether we are BETTER game that make them the best team they thinking of an annual strategy or a Facebook can be”. Our job is to create conditions in post. Unfortunately, the past two years Ivelina Gicheva-Nikolova, Group Creative which the players in our team to show the do not provide much opportunity for this. Director in Ogilvy best they can. Their success is our success. Adding the stress of constant insecurity and the monotony of working from home, Which is the current approach to crea- creativity turns into a real heroism. tivity, which reforms and improves the 2. The biggest challenge is to have a team at all. When you meet your consumer experience? colleagues mainly through zoom, it is not very easy to have the sense There has always been one successful approach – to search for the of belonging. More effort and ingenuity is needed to build and, above all, next new one. There is no way to reform, improve or change as a whole, to keep your team. To make them feel like a community, in spite of the if you still turn to one and the same people, only because it is safer. lack of good old long lunches. Experience is a good thing, but the energy of the new is even better. All over the world brands are striving to find someone before this person 3. Deadlines continue to be shortened. Everything needs to be ready for has become poplar. In our country, we are still afraid to make even one yesterday. Now. And if it could not cost much, because it is intended for step to something unfamiliar. Then how will we make a further step the Internet. This affects the product, and with it, the satisfaction with ahead? the final result. 4. If only there were more inspiring models to follow on our market. Which is the most important criterion that an advertiser must meet The most important is to have someone to follow. Otherwise, you do not to influence the audience/users? Now it is as if people are tired of even realize that you are tired of sitting on the sofa. the digital ad. Empathy by which to have sensitivity to the context. Thus you can 5. ‘No people’ will be heard more and more often. decide whether to do more of the same or take out of the other. To hear, watch, feel what excites the audience at the moment. People are tired How has the role of creative directors changed over the last five of the boring ad which tells them one and the same thing – “be yourself”, years? “do not follow the others”, etc. As Lee Clow says “Attention is paid when Years ago, the creative director was believed to be some kind of a attention is deserved “. genius, who knows everything, invents everything and is always right. How involvement is stimulated with more channels And in my point of view, the role of the creative director is rather resembling that of the coach in a football team. In this relation, I More channels means more opportunities to know who you are and what remember the great series “All or Nothing: Tottenham”, which follows the you fight for. However, if you have nothing to say, the quantity will not work of Jose Mourinho in Tottenham. He says, “It’s not my job to teach serve you no matter how many channels you have at your disposal.
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