Checklist Direction and Control Describes the command structure, specifying who will be in charge during emergency response operations. Specifies the authorities and limitations of key personnel. Identifies roles and responsibilities for key personnel during the initial stages of the WMD threat. Includes provisions for coordinating and communicating among all jurisdictions and agencies. Hazard Assessment Contains a hazard vulnerability assessment that looks into WMD incidents, including impact, risk areas, evacuation routes, response efforts, etc. Considers special needs for such an event, such as personal protective equipment and need for rapid response. References procedures for detection, monitoring, and sampling of WMD agents or materials. Notification and Activation Includes a formalized procedure for notifying key personnel through a current alert list, notification table, or cascade notification system. Specifies procedures for notification of key personnel of the threat. Includes current telephone numbers for key personnel. Description/Function Identifies special requirements or recommended notifications to State and or federal officials when dealing with a WMD incident. Specifies procedures for activation of the EOC. Communication Systems (External and Internal) Specifies requirements for a backup system and monitors its implementation. Clearly defined reporting procedures and mechanisms for communicating across all agencies and for inter/intra jurisdictional communication. Warning and Emergency Public Notification Describes sources for disseminating Includes written procedures for keeping key public information(Emergency Alert personnel’s family members apprised of the situation System (EAS), television stations,radio and the status of their immediate family. stations, cable outlets, newspapers, Policy that states how information will be etc.). Source listing includes telephone communicated to the public – when it has to be relayed numbers. immediately. Describes back-up sources for disseminating information (vehicle-mounted public address systems,door-to-door, etc.).Describes resources for disseminating information to those with language 60

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