CASE NUMBER 4. BIOLOGICAL - Create a list of weapons with which they are familiar. -Discuss what makes a weapon conventional ornon-conventional -Categorize the listed weapons as conventional ornon-conventional. -Explain what you believe should be done to control the spread of WMD You are to assumethe role of advisors to the President of the United States, where you will be required to suggest a particular foreign policy response to an emerging crisis. Analyze the scenario, to debate the appropriate course of action based on the questions asked,to reach a consensus on a policy response, and to record your responses for presentation. Analysis of samples from multiple BioWatch sensors has identified a large-scale release of aerosolized anthrax 12 hours earlier during the Fourth of July Celebration on the National Mall. The U.S. Government has high confidence that a biological attack has occurred but has limitedinformation about the extent of the attack or the size of the area affected.Because of these uncertainties, initial estimates suggest that anywherefrom 100,000 to 1 million people might have been exposed to the deadlyspores, including those on the Mall during the release, those downwindof the release, and those in other areas where anthrax spores have beenunwittingly carried by parties who were exposedinitially. Because ofuncertainty as to exactly who was exposed, public health expertsindicate that it may be necessary to provide pre- symptomatic treatmentsto everyone in the Washington metropolitan area (up to 5 million people).The Nation has been at a heightened state of readiness for a bio terrorist attack since an anthrax attack in the London subway system 2 monthsearlier infected more than 2,000people and resulted in more than 500deaths. In recent weeks,intelligence sources have confirmed that apreviously unreported disease outbreak in Kashmir that killed dozens ofpeople was likely the work of an al Qaeda affiliate conducting a dry runof an anthrax attack.Senior decision makers are consumed with theenormous tasks of saving lives and preventing follow-onattacks. 66

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