KIDNEY DISEASE AND LUPUS How lupus affects the kidneys……………………………………. 22 Symptoms of kidney involvement in lupus………………………..22 Diagnosing kidney disease ………………………………………...22 Treatment for Lupus Nephritis……………………………………..22 NUTRITION, DIET AND LUPUS Well-balanced is best……………………………………………….25 Weight control, hunger management and portion sizes………...26 Corticosteroids and nutrition……………………………………….27 OSTEOPOROSIS AND LUPUS What is osteoporosis?.................................................................29 What is the link between lupus and osteoporosis………………. 29 Warning signs………………………………………………………..30 Early detection is key……………………………………………….31 Prevention……………………………………………………………31 Medication…………………………………………………………...32 PHOTOSENSITIVITY, SUN SAFETY AND LUPUS Why are people with lupus photosensitive?................................34 What kind of skin problems could occur?....................................34 How to protect yourself from the sun……………………………...34 PREGNANCY AND LUPUS Lupus flare…………………………………………………………...36 Neonatal lupus……………………………………………………….37 Other possible complications……………………………………….37 Breastfeeding…………………………………………………………37 Rheumatology drugs considered safe in pregnancy……………..37 Potential complications during pregnancy………………………...39 LUPUS IN CHILDREN Does lupus occur in childhood……………………………………...40 Treatments available………………………………………………...40 SYMPTOMS OF DRUG-INDUCED LUPUS Symptoms of drug-induced lupus…………………………………..42 Laboratory testing…………………………………………………….43 Drug-induced lupus and SLE………………………………………..43 Treatment of drug-induced lupus…………………………………...43 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND LUPUS Understanding your nervous system……………………………….45 Important neurological syndromes seen in lupus………………… 45 Cerebrovascular accidents (strokes)……………………………….46 Lupus headache……………………………………………………...46 Mood disorders……………………………………………………….46 OTHER CONDITIONS SEEN IN LUPUS Raynaud’s phenomenon…………………………………………….47 Sjogren’s syndrome………………………………………………….48 Gastrointestinal conditions………………………………………….50 LUPUS MEDICATIONS An introduction to corticosteroids and anti-malarial drugs……….51 Immunosuppressive drugs used in treating lupus………………..54 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs…………………………….58 4

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