197. I DO - a fresh flower bridal hand bouquet - a decanter will be furnished for displaying, one accessory permitted 198. YANKEE DOODLE - arrangement using a feather BEST OF SHOW ......................................................................... ROSETTE & $5.00 BEST OF SHOW ARRANGEMENT in Amateur Division will receive an award donated by PUFFER’S FLORAL SHOPPE PROFESSIONALS ONLY (A professional is an individual who is involved in preparation of arrangements for sale) 203. DUO - arrangement using two colors 204. PROM - a corsage of fresh flowers with or without ribbon bow, one other accessory permitted 205. TAILS - fresh flower arrangement using cattails 206. I DO - a bridal bouquet of fresh or dried flowers, a decanter is available for display, accessories permitted 207. CLIMBING - free standing design with any color 208. FIREWORKS - arrangement in red and white in blue container using one accessory 209. WELCOME - arrangement suitable for an open house 211. WHERE’S MY SHOE - arrangement using an old shoe BEST OF SHOW ......................................................................... ROSETTE & $5.00 ENTRY BOOK 80 - FAIRY GARDEN RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Made by exhibitor. 3. No larger than 8” x 8”. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.00; 3rd = $1.00 215. HALLOWEEN THEME 216. SUMMER THEME 217. CHRISTMAS THEME 0 1 T N E M T R A P E D 130