ENTRY BOOK 80 - JUNIOR DIVISION FAIRY GARDEN ON NEXT PAGE! RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Flowers must be grown by the exhibitor. 3. All flowers must be disbudded unless otherwise stated. 4. Containers of clear glass should be furnished by exhibitor. PREMIUMS: 1st = $1.50; 2nd = $1.00; 3rd = $.50 CLASSES 220-223 ARE FOR JUNIORS UP TO AGE TWELVE: 220. Marigold, large, one bloom, disbudded, foliage attached 222. Zinnia, large, any variety, one bloom, disbudded, foliage attached 223. Zinnia, medium (two to three inches), one bloom, disbudded, foliage attached CLASSES 230-233 ARE FOR JUNIORS AGES TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN: 230. Marigold, large, one bloom disbudded, foliage attached 232. Zinnia, large, any variety, one bloom, not disbudded, foliage attached 233. Zinnia, medium (two to three inches), one bloom disbudded, foliage attached 0 1 T N E M T R A P E D 131