ARTICLE XIII Removal of Director for Cause: A Director may be removed for cause by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of a quorum of the Board of Directors. For the purpose of this provision “for cause” shall include the following: (a) absence from any three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board and not to exceed four (4) total monthly meetings in one (1) fiscal year without sufficient excuse or cause; (b) conviction of a felony offense; (c) conviction of any theft offense; (d) conviction of any other criminal offense involving moral turpitude; (e) material violation of the Fair Board’s conflict of interest policy, or (f) engaging in specific actions which cause or tend to cause the organization damage to its property or reputation or which create potential legal liability on the part of the organization. The Director against whom removal is considered shall be given notice of basis for his or her possible removal and shall be given the opportunity to present matters in defense or mitigation at the removal hearing. The Board shall adopt rules for the hearing which, in its discretion, serve the interests of fairness and interest of the organization generally. The Director against whom removal is considered shall have the right to be represented by counsel. The Director against whom removal is considered shall not be entitled to vote on the issue of removal. Once the Director is removed from the Board, he or she will not be eligible to run for the Board of Directors without an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of quorum of the Board of Directors prior to the election. If the Director is removed, the Directors may then vote to appoint a Director to fill the vacancy until the next annual election. ARTICLE XIV The annual meeting of the Lorain County Agricultural Society shall be held at 8:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of November of each year. Amendments and alterations of this Constitution may be made only at the annual meeting of the members and two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present shall be necessary to adopt. ARTICLE XV The rules governing the operation of County Agricultural Societies by the Ohio Department of Agriculture are hereby adopted. Rules 16 and 17 of the Ohio Department of Agriculture for the management of the County and Independent Agricultural Societies follow: RULE 16. Each County and Independent Agricultural Society shall have, at their annual fair or at any other exhibition sponsored by or under the control of the Agricultural Society, an official veterinarian who has been approved by the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio. Before appointing an official veterinarian, the Agricultural Society shall submit to the Director of Agriculture, for his/ her approval, the name and address of the veterinarian whom the Agricultural Society proposes to appoint. After the veterinarian recommended for appointment has been approved by the State Director of Agriculture, the Agricultural Society shall certify his/her appointment to the Director of Agriculture not less than ten (10) days before the opening day of the fair. It shall be the responsibility of the Agricultural Society, through the official veterinarian appointed by them, to enforce the laws of Ohio and the regulations and rules of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio which pertain to livestock exhibited at the county and independent fairs. The official veterinarian shall enforce these laws, rules, and regulations according to the recommendations of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio. He/she shall inspect the livestock and entries and necessary health certificates for evidence of infectious disease and shall carry out the recommendations of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio to protect the health of livestock exhibited at the fair. He/she shall report to the Chief of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio any refusal or failure on the part of an exhibitor or fair management to observe or comply with the laws, rules and regulations governing the movement or exhibition of livestock and, at the close of the fair, shall make an official report as may be required by the Chief of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio. RULE 17. Agricultural Societies shall not permit the injection or administration of drugs of any kind or description, or the physical application of any electrical, mechanical or other appliance, for the purpose of stimulating an animal entered in any form of competition. 16

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