ARTICLE XVI The compensation of each member of the Board of Directors for the management of the Agricultural Society shall be fixed by the Board in accordance with the rules of the Ohio Department of Agriculture. The Board of Directors shall fix compensation for the Secretary and Treasurer on an annual basis. ARTICLE XVII Should a vacancy occur on the Board, the Board would advertise the vacancy for a minimum of two (2) weeks. The Executive Committee will then interview the potential candidates and make a recommendation to the Board. A majority vote of the Board will be required to appoint the new Director. The newly appointed Director will then stand for election at the next regular election. The election term will be for one (1) or two (2) years as is required to complete the original term. ARTICLE XVIII Indemnification of Directors and Officers: Henceforth, all Board members and Officers will be indemnified by the Society to the fullest extent allowable by law. Indemnification shall be determined by the Board of Directors, on a case-by-case basis, and shall be freely given to all parties who (a) have acted in good faith, and in the scope of their duties and (b) have acted in good faith in the best interest of the Society. The Directors and Officers of this Society are hereby authorized to insure this Society against losses or expenditures it might have in making indemnification as provided by this Article. ARTICLE XIX In accordance with Ohio Attorney General opinion 2013-023, the Lorain County Agricultural Society is permitted to sell beer and/or wine at the annual Lorain County Fair, or at any other event open to the public and conducted on the fairgrounds. The Lorain County Agricultural Society may 1) authorize the holder of a valid liquor license permit to have an event that is open to the public and conducted on the fairgrounds and 2) receive fees from the permit holder. The Lorain County Agricultural Society may retain revenue derived from the sales of beer and/or wine. It may authorize the use of moneys to purchase and acquire beer and/or wine and a liquor license permit to sell beer and/or wine at an event open to the public and conducted on the fairgrounds property and to retain revenue derived from the sales. With the exception of the provisions set forth above, intoxicating liquors, intoxicating drinks, and drugs of abuse of any kind are strictly prohibited on the grounds, in the parking lots, and on the roads leading to and from the fairgrounds during the annual Lorain County Fair. 2024 UPDATES Please check our website and/or Facebook page for updates and changes to information in this book. Use this QR code to access our website. 17

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