ENTRY BOOK 33 - FOR CHILDREN ONLY (8 Years and Under) Entry must be made in child’s name. Exhibitor in these classes will also receive a Participant Ribbon. Trophies in Classes 1-3 will be provided by the Lorain SWCD. CLASSES: 1. Mixed Vegetable Display ............................... $5 $3 $2 Use 6 or more kinds in a suitable container. Maximum size is 18” x 18” x 18”. 2. Best Dressed Pumpkin................................... $5 $3 $2 Dress a pumpkin up with a variety of vegetables - NAME YOUR CREATION. 3. Vegetable/Fruit Animal ................................... $5 $3 $2 Make an animal out of vegetables and fruits - NAME IT. No accessories other than your base. ENTRY BOOK 34 - SPECIAL CONTESTS CLASSES: 1. Scarecrow ...................................................... $15 $10 $5 1. Entry must be freestanding. No seated figures please. 2. Height must not exceed six feet nor be below 36 inches. Depth and width should not exceed 36 inches. 3. Use of commercial or rubber masks for faces is not allowed. This will enable scarecrows to have a more handmade look. NOTE: This contest is designed to be a fun category with entries expressing the originality and creativity of the exhibitor. Premiums sponsored by Sandy Denes 2. Painted Pumpkin or Gourd (13 & over) .......... $ 8 $ 5 $3 3. Painted Pumpkin or Gourd (12 & under) ....... $ 8 $ 5 $3 8 NOTE: This contest is designed to show “your” creativity. PAINT NT ONLY. No accessories! No artificial pumpkins or gourds. E M T Premiums sponsored by R A Yvonne Ternes & Don Urig P DE PREMIUMS: ENTRY BOOKS 35-39 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 ENTRY BOOK 35 - APPLES (exhibit 5) CLASSES: 1. Fuji 12. McIntosh 2. Northern Spy 13. Cortland 3. Braeburn 14. Empire 4. Liberty or Freedom 15. Gallia Beauty or Red Rome 5. Melrose 16. Gala 6. Stayman Winesap 17. Granny Smith 7. Golden Delicious 18. Honey Crisp 8. Red Delicious 19. Ginger Gold 9. Jonagold 20. Ida Red 10. Jonathan 21. Any Other Apple, Variety Named 11. Paulared 91