ENTRY BOOK 30 - SWEET CORN (exhibit 6 ears, husked) CLASSES: 1. Any Yellow, Variety Named 2. Any Bi-Color, Variety Named 3. Any White, Variety Named “Best of Show” Trophy in Memory of Frederich A. Lacina, Sr. - “Gramps” Evelyn R. Lacina - “Grams” and Frederich A. Lacina, Jr. - “Fred” ENTRY BOOK 31 - MELONS (exhibit 1) CLASSES: 1. Sugar Baby Watermelon 2. Crimson Sweet 3. Any Other Red Watermelon, Variety Named 4. Any Yellow Watermelon, Variety Named 5. Largest Watermelon by Weight 6. Gold Star Muskmelon 7. Heart of Gold Muskmelon 8. Honey Rock Muskmelon 9. Any Other Muskmelon, Variety Named 10. Largest Muskmelon by Weight 11. Any Honey Dew, Variety Named 12. Largest Honey Dew by Weight THE STEVEN PETE MEMORIAL TROPHY FOR OUTSTANDING GARDENER Will be awarded to the exhibitor who earns the most points in Books 12 through 31, as follows: 1st place = 3 points; 2nd place = 2 points; 3rd place = 1 point This trophy sponsored by the Pete Family 8 Tie will be broken by most 1st places, 2nd places, etc. NT E M T ENTRY BOOK 32 - DISPLAYS (ADULT) R Displays are judged on the variety, quality, and eye appeal of the overall A display of the produce. P CLASSES: DE 1. Mixed Vegetable Display ............................... $5 $3 $2 Use 10 or more kinds of vegetables in a suitable container. No accessories. Maximum size is 24” x 24” x 24”. 2. Harvest Display .............................................. $5 $3 $2 Use Indian corn, gourds, and pumpkins, etc., to make an attractive harvest display in a suitable container. No accessories. Maximum size is 24” x 24” x 24”. 3. Pepper Display ............................................... $5 $3 $2 Use 5 or more kinds in a suitable container. Maximum size is 18” x 18’ x 18”. 4. Gourd Display (Current Year) ........................ $5 $3 $2 Use 3 or more kinds in a suitable container. Maximum size is 18” x 18” x 18”. 5. Vegetable Sculpture ....................................... $5 $3 $2 Use a variety of vegetables to create your sculpture. NO FRUIT OR ACCESSORIES. 90