S T Don’t miss out on all the wonderful school U E V D planned Academic Adventures, clubs, & E E F P N N U events planned throughout the year! T T 1 8 S 8 d 8 a n - c e M Academic Adventures F F P U & Student Clubs School Academic Adventures & Events are wonderful ways to connect with other families and school staff. They can enhance the Journey of Learning with interesting experiences and unique opportunities for discovery, real life learning, and social engagement. Student safety is our primary focus and all events, locations, and activities have been chosen with that in mind. Click HERE to learn how to use the Field Trip & Events (FTE) portal and to book Academic Adventures. Click HERE to access the FTE portal. Click HERE if you need to cancel an Academic Adventure. Login Tip: Your FTE login information is the same as your login for the Ordering System (OS). Share your ideas for future events by emailing them to [email protected]. Join the FUN! Get your year started right and pop in for a Student Club or two. There are a variety of clubs for all students in grades TK-12th. The schedule will be published in the early fall and your student is encouraged to choose at least one to try! Incorporating these activities, based on your student's academic need or personal interest, will enhance their Journey of Learning and add to his/her Educational Plan. There’s no need to sign up! Everyone is welcome at any time. Some clubs require a few basic supplies that can typically be found around the house. Page 11