PUBLIC HEALTH CHAMPIONS From our loyal monthly donors, to our many We’re constantly inspired by why people give, so philanthropists who have given so generously this this year, we’re highlighting two community-centred year, and everyone in between, we can’t do this work Foundations who recognize the need for public without them all! health research, and have chosen to donate to help protect the health and well-being of people in BC. Preventing Childhood Asthma Each year Canadians lose loved ones to an asthma attack, a common chronic and preventable disease. Preventing asthma reduces healthcare costs, decreases school absences, and improves health equity, which is why, through funding from our donors, we’re able to support critical asthma research, led by Dr David Patrick at the BCCDC, examining the connection between asthma and antibiotic use in children. We’re grateful to Paci昀椀c Blue Cross, an organization that puts the social responsibility and the health and safety of community at the centre of their mission, for their donation to “Preventing Childhood Asthma,” a knowledge translation project that will help protect and promote the health of children. “We want to make a meaningful and healthy difference in the lives of British Columbians;” says Jim Iker, Board Jim Iker, Board Chair at Paci昀椀c Chair at Paci昀椀c Blue Cross Health Foundation, “it’s a belief we’ve Blue Cross Health Foundation always held. This is demonstrated not only by the way we operate as a company, but also by the way our employees regularly get involved in the communities in which they live. Our approach to social responsibility was established through input and consultation with our employees and with the community. This ensures community needs are met while remaining true to ourselves.” To the parents and loved ones of children who suffer from asthma, donors like Paci昀椀c Blue Cross Health Foundation give hope that solutions are being developed, and awareness is being spread, to help prevent their little ones from experiencing a potentially life-threatening asthma attack. 18 2022-23 ANNUAL REPORT

FINAL BCCDC Foundation 22 23 Annual Report - Page 18 FINAL BCCDC Foundation 22 23 Annual Report Page 17 Page 19