Taking care of our providers through improved EHR systems The healthcare industry is constantly evolving with When reviewing the demographics of this new standards, new diseases, new medications, short-sta昀昀ed industry, it is reported that the new research studies, new medical technology, average age of the U.S. healthcare worker and, to top it o昀昀, new electronic medical record is 49 years old (Zippia, 2023), with 45% of systems (EHR/EMR). The best doctors and nurses the workforce at age 55 and older nearing are constantly 昀椀ghting to stay up-to-date on what’s “retirement age” (Verywell Health, 2023). If new, all while dreaming of the day when charts almost half of the healthcare workers are in aren’t demanding their attention. A 2021 study their last ten years of service, where does performed by the *Journal of the American Medical that leave the US healthcare system in the Informatics Association (JAMIA) found a昀琀er- future? Projections reveal that the US could hours charting in EMR so昀琀ware “was signi昀椀cantly face “a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians associated with physician burnout” (JAMIA, 2021), by 2034, including 48,000 primary care and another study reported, “ine昀케cient user physicians” (Healthcare Dive, 2023). Labor interface designs” requiring “too many clicks per shortages and burnout rates are jeopardizing task” or having to open “10 screens to do one the overall health of the US, and fewer task” (JAMIA, 2018). A poor relationship with students want to enter the industry because one’s EHR is commonly “associated with intent to of it. reduce clinical work hours and leave one’s current Therefore, health organizations must now practice” (JAMIA, 2019), so keeping providers more than ever prioritize the quality of life satis昀椀ed with an EHR is critical for a practice to maintain its workforce. for their providers and 昀椀nd ways to make their job more e昀케cient and sustainable. While the EHR greatly impacts provider job While a new EHR/EMR system can’t directly satisfaction, the pandemic brought the healthcare address the labor shortage, improving the burnout crisis to the surface. With the rising tool healthcare providers use the most can demand and need for timely care, healthcare be a great place to start. Better EHR/EMR workers are being stretched far too thin, experiences can reduce the threat of a昀琀er- contributing to further rates of burnout. Providers hours work while increasing overall clinical that fall into this category are o昀琀en leaving the work昀氀ow e昀케ciency. Charts, data entry, and industry altogether to pursue a healthier lifestyle administrative work can be less of a barrier for themselves. In total, the healthcare industry lost to work/life balance issues for health care 30% of its workers during the pandemic (*Morning professionals, and their patient base can Consult*, 2021), leading to less than satisfactory experience more accessible and higher implications for accessible healthcare. Nearly quality health care when they need it most. 70% of all Americans have su昀昀ered delays from When EHRs provide an optimal experience sta昀케ng shortages with “canceled appointments” to their users, the healthcare industry as a and “delayed surgeries” (Axios, 2022). whole can have a greater chance of meeting the demand.

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