Improving EHR’s patient portals with proactive symptom tracking and patient noti昀椀cations EHR systems and their respective patient portals provide a unique landscape for patients to communicate with their providers. If patients had more ready access to their health data via mobile view or app (*JAMIA Open*, 2022), they could more conveniently report their day- to-day symptoms and sync their smart device health data for providers to identify patterns. This extra data would help provide a patient’s full wellness story rather than just simply seeing a snapshot in time from the data captured in their lab work. “Instead of a doctor measuring vital signs and asking questions, then typing away in an electronic health record, doctor and patient could sit together and review the data the patient has collected” (*Forbes*, 2021). This new feature can put some of the administrative li昀琀 on the patients instead of the provider and present a more collaborative environment for the doctor and patient. Patient portals can become centralized hubs of a patient’s health data with higher adoption rates. With regular day-to-day use, patients will have less front-end paperwork before their next appointment. This introduces another opportunity for a more e昀케cient visit.

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