ARCUS PROJECT 2013 IBARAKI ΞʔΧεϓϩδΣΫτ2013͍Β͖ ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM ΞʔςΟετɾΠϯɾϨδσϯεϓϩάϥϜ ʢ ؒʣ 100 ݄ ᴷ ݄ 2013 9 11 12 19 ʦΞʔςΟετʧ ʢϝΩγίʣ ϩυϦΰɾΰϯβϨεɾΧεςΟʔδϣ ʢυΠπʣ γϏϨɾϊΠϚΠϠʔ ʢΠϯυʣ φϯσγϟɾγϟϯςΟɾϓϥΧγϡ P.02-05 P.06-09 P.10-13 ʦήετΩϡϨʔλʔʧ ϩυϦΰɾΰϯβϨεɾ γϏϨɾϊΠϚΠϠʔ φϯσγϟɾγϟϯςΟɾ ງಸึࢠ ΧεςΟʔδϣ ϓϥΧγϡ Sybille Neumeyer ʦυΠπʗ ʧ Rodrigo González b.1982 Germany Nandesha Shanthi ʦબߟҕһʧ Castillo Prakash ʗΤΠτʧ ʦ ʢ ๏ਓΞʔπΠχγΞςΟϰτΩϣ AIT ΩϡϨʔλʔʗ ήετΩϡϨʔλʔʣ ʧ ʧ NPO 2013 ʦϝΩγίʗ ʦΠϯυʗ b.1984 Mexico b.1968 India ງಸึࢠ ʗ ʢΠϯσΟϖϯσϯτɾΩϡϨʔλʔ টᡈࠃࡍ৹ࠪһʣ 2013 ΩʔεɾΟτϧʪӳࠃʫ ʮ ʯɺֆ൛ըΛ௨͠ ࢲਓؒͱࣗવͷؔʹணͨ͠ϓ ࢲݱͷੜ׆ͷʑʹͦͬͯɺ Now&Then ΞʔΧεϓϩδΣΫτ࣮ߦҕһձ ͨक୩ࢢͷߴྸऀͱࢠͲͨͪͷࢹ ϩδΣΫτΛߦ͍ͬͯ·͢ɻຊ ঝੈքΛݱ࣮Խ͍ͯ͘͜͠ͱΛ௨͠ ֮ݴޠؒͷൺֱʹணͨ͠ϓϩδΣ ࡏதʹݱࡏͱະདྷͱ͕Λͳ͢ྺ ͯɺݱ࣮ੈքͱঝੈքͷਂʹͭ ΫτͰ͢ɻ͜ͷϓϩδΣΫτͷతɺ ࢙ʹ͍ͭͯௐ͍ࠪͯ͠·͢ɻ৯ ͍ͯͷ࡞Λ੍࡞͍ͯ͠·͢ɻ ຊɺक୩ࢢͰͷৗੜ׆ɺݸਓత ɺڥͱɺࢲͨͪͱͷͭͳ͕Γ ͜ΕΒͷ࡞ɺ·ΔͰ࿉ۚज़Λश ͳ͋Γ͞·ΛతʹଞऀʹݟͤΔ ͲͷΑ͏ʹస͍ͯ͠Δͷ͔ɻۙ ಘ͠Α͏ͱ͢ΔΑ͏ͳɺ͑ແ͘ऴ ARCUS Project 2013 IBARAKI ͜ͱͷؔ৺ͱ͕ؔ͋Γ·͢ɻ ͳҬͷঢ়گΛ؍͠ɺͳ͓͔ͭά ΘΓແ͍ࣝʹ͍ͭͯͷ୳ٻͰ͢ Artist-in-Residence Program ࣄΛ͑Δॳาతͳखஈͱͯ͠ɺֆ ϩʔόϧͳߏͷΈʹ͍ͭͯ࠶ ͕ɺਓؒͷଘࡏͷܦݧͷҰ෦ͱͳΔ September 11 – December 19, 2013 (100days) ൛ըΛ͍ɺࢲಉ͡ࢢʹΒ ߟ͢Δ͜ͱͰɺݸਓతͳܦݧʹجͮ Α͏ͳཱྀͷաఔͰ͢ɻ ͢ߴྸऀͱࢠͲ͕͔ͨͪͪ߹͑ ͍ͨܙͱɺମײ֮ͰܭΓΕ ͜ͷࢼΈੈքͷதͰͱͯࠣࡉ ΔɺίϛϡχςΟΞΠσϯςΟςΟʹ ͳ͍ࢲͨͪΛͱΓ·͘ڥͷཧղ ͳৼΔ͍Ͱ͢ɻͨͩɺͻͱΓͷਓ ʦ ʧ Artists ର͢Δײ֮Λ͍͑ͨͱࢥ͍·͢ɻ ͱͷ͍͋ͩͰରΛΓཱͨͤͯΈ ؒɺ͋ΔࠃՈʹଐ͢ΔࣾձͷҰһͱ Rodrigo González Castillo (Mexico)ɹ Sybille Neumeyer (Germany) ͜ͷϓϩδΣΫτͷࢀՃऀʹɺࢹ֮త Α͏ͱ͍ͯ͠·͢ɻ ͯ͠ɺ·ͨɺʠࢲͨͪͷੈքʡͱݺΕ Nandesha Shanthi Prakash (India) ͳ૬ޓ࡞༻ΛҾ͖ى͜͢͜ͱͰɺ৽ ࢲ੩͔ͳ؍ऀͱͳͬͯͦͬͱೖ Δେ͖ͳ૾ମͷҰ෦Ͱ͋Δࢲͷݱ ͍͠ҙຯͱؔΛݟग़ͩͯ͠ཉ͍͠ ΓࠐΈɺ୯७Ͱখ͞ͳͷͨͪʹڵ ࣮ΛΔͨΊͷඒֶతͳ࣮ફͰ͢ɻ ͱߟ͍͑ͯ·͢ɻ ຯΛ࣋ͭͷͰ͢ɻ ʦ ʧ Residence program guest curator 2013 Naoko Horiuchi Now&Then is a project that My project focuses on My works survive in the focuses in a comparison relations between human hinterland of myth and reality. between the visual language and nature. During the stay The personification of myth from ʦ ʧ Slection committee Naoko Horiuchi (Curator of Arts Initiative Tokyo[AIT] / Guest curator 2013) of the elder and the children of in Japan I investigate layers everyday, in the contemporary Moriya through drawing and of history, present and future: context. These works are my ʪ ʫ Keith Whittle UK (Independent curator / Invited international curator 2013) print investigation of the Known- making. The main objective how do our connections ARCUS Project Administration Committee for working with these topics has to food, land, environment within the great metaphor of to do with an interest of showing shift? Observing the local alchemy there are no answers a direct and intimate panorama situation and rethinking global and no definite end,but of everyday life in Moriya, Japan. structures, I am trying enable the journey and process of Using drawing and printmaking a dialog between personal experience of our existence. as primary tools, I want to experience knowledge and This attempt is a tiny gesture transmit a feeling of community the understanding of our in the universe, an aesthetic and identity, shared between the environment beyond a natural involvement children and the elder people as bodily perception. Slipping in in the process of understanding members of the same city; and the role of a silent observer, my reality as an individual, a to activate a visual interaction I am interested in simple and citizen of a country and part in which the particip small materials. of the lager global imagination ants of the ʠ ʡ project could find new meanings called Our Universe . and relations.
ARCUS Project 2013 Ibaraki: Artist Residency Program Page 1 Page 3