ARCUS Project 2013 Ibaraki: Artist Residency Program
This document outlines the ARCUS Project 2013 Ibaraki, featuring artists such as Rodrigo González, Sybille Neumeyer, and Shanthi Prakash participating in a residency program.
ARCUS PROJECT 2013 IBARAKI Rodrigo Gonzalez Castillo Sybille Neumeyer Nandesha Shanthi Prakash ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM
ARCUS PROJECT 2013 IBARAKI ΞʔΧεϓϩδΣΫτ2013͍Β͖ ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM ΞʔςΟετɾΠϯɾϨδσϯεϓϩάϥϜ ʢ ؒʣ 100 ݄ ᴷ ݄ 2013 9 11 12 19 ʦΞʔςΟετʧ ʢϝΩγίʣ ϩυϦΰɾΰϯβϨεɾΧεςΟʔδϣ ʢυΠπʣ γϏϨɾϊΠϚΠϠʔ ʢΠϯυʣ φϯσγϟɾγϟϯςΟɾϓϥΧγϡ P.02-05 P.06-09 P.10-13 ʦήετΩϡϨʔλʔʧ ϩυϦΰɾΰϯβϨεɾ γϏϨɾϊΠϚΠϠʔ φϯσγϟɾγϟϯςΟɾ ງಸึࢠ ΧεςΟʔδϣ ϓϥΧγϡ Sybille Neumeyer ʦυΠπʗ ʧ Rodrigo González b.1982 Germany Nandesha Shanthi ʦબߟҕһʧ Castillo Prakash ʗΤΠτʧ ʦ ʢ ๏ਓΞʔπΠχγΞςΟϰτΩϣ AIT ΩϡϨʔλʔʗ ήετΩϡϨʔλʔʣ ʧ ʧ NPO 2013 ʦϝΩγίʗ ʦΠϯυʗ b.1984 Mexico b.1968 India ງಸึࢠ ʗ ʢΠϯσΟϖϯσϯτɾΩϡϨʔλʔ টᡈࠃࡍ৹ࠪһʣ 2013 ΩʔεɾΟτϧʪӳࠃʫ ʮ ʯɺֆ൛ըΛ௨͠ ࢲਓؒͱࣗવͷؔʹணͨ͠ϓ ࢲݱͷੜ׆ͷʑʹͦͬͯɺ Now&Then ΞʔΧεϓϩδΣΫτ࣮ߦҕһձ ͨक୩ࢢͷߴྸऀͱࢠͲͨͪͷࢹ ϩδΣΫτΛߦ͍ͬͯ·͢ɻຊ ঝੈքΛݱ࣮Խ͍ͯ͘͜͠ͱΛ௨͠ ֮ݴޠؒͷൺֱʹணͨ͠ϓϩδΣ ࡏதʹݱࡏͱະདྷͱ͕Λͳ͢ྺ ͯɺݱ࣮ੈքͱঝੈքͷਂʹͭ ΫτͰ͢ɻ͜ͷϓϩδΣΫτͷతɺ ࢙ʹ͍ͭͯௐ͍ࠪͯ͠·͢ɻ৯ ͍ͯͷ࡞Λ੍࡞͍ͯ͠·͢ɻ ຊɺक୩ࢢͰͷৗੜ׆ɺݸਓత ɺڥͱɺࢲͨͪͱͷͭͳ͕Γ ͜ΕΒͷ࡞ɺ·ΔͰ࿉ۚज़Λश ͳ͋Γ͞·ΛతʹଞऀʹݟͤΔ ͲͷΑ͏ʹస͍ͯ͠Δͷ͔ɻۙ ಘ͠Α͏ͱ͢ΔΑ͏ͳɺ͑ແ͘ऴ ARCUS Project 2013 IBARAKI ͜ͱͷؔ৺ͱ͕ؔ͋Γ·͢ɻ ͳҬͷঢ়گΛ؍͠ɺͳ͓͔ͭά ΘΓແ͍ࣝʹ͍ͭͯͷ୳ٻͰ͢ Artist-in-Residence Program ࣄΛ͑Δॳาతͳखஈͱͯ͠ɺֆ ϩʔόϧͳߏͷΈʹ͍ͭͯ࠶ ͕ɺਓؒͷଘࡏͷܦݧͷҰ෦ͱͳΔ September 11 – December 19, 2013 (100days) ൛ըΛ͍ɺࢲಉ͡ࢢʹΒ ߟ͢Δ͜ͱͰɺݸਓతͳܦݧʹجͮ Α͏ͳཱྀͷաఔͰ͢ɻ ͢ߴྸऀͱࢠͲ͕͔ͨͪͪ߹͑ ͍ͨܙͱɺମײ֮ͰܭΓΕ ͜ͷࢼΈੈքͷதͰͱͯࠣࡉ ΔɺίϛϡχςΟΞΠσϯςΟςΟʹ ͳ͍ࢲͨͪΛͱΓ·͘ڥͷཧղ ͳৼΔ͍Ͱ͢ɻͨͩɺͻͱΓͷਓ ʦ ʧ Artists ର͢Δײ֮Λ͍͑ͨͱࢥ͍·͢ɻ ͱͷ͍͋ͩͰରΛΓཱͨͤͯΈ ؒɺ͋ΔࠃՈʹଐ͢ΔࣾձͷҰһͱ Rodrigo González Castillo (Mexico)ɹ Sybille Neumeyer (Germany) ͜ͷϓϩδΣΫτͷࢀՃऀʹɺࢹ֮త Α͏ͱ͍ͯ͠·͢ɻ ͯ͠ɺ·ͨɺʠࢲͨͪͷੈքʡͱݺΕ Nandesha Shanthi Prakash (India) ͳ૬ޓ࡞༻ΛҾ͖ى͜͢͜ͱͰɺ৽ ࢲ੩͔ͳ؍ऀͱͳͬͯͦͬͱೖ Δେ͖ͳ૾ମͷҰ෦Ͱ͋Δࢲͷݱ ͍͠ҙຯͱؔΛݟग़ͩͯ͠ཉ͍͠ ΓࠐΈɺ୯७Ͱখ͞ͳͷͨͪʹڵ ࣮ΛΔͨΊͷඒֶతͳ࣮ફͰ͢ɻ ͱߟ͍͑ͯ·͢ɻ ຯΛ࣋ͭͷͰ͢ɻ ʦ ʧ Residence program guest curator 2013 Naoko Horiuchi Now&Then is a project that My project focuses on My works survive in the focuses in a comparison relations between human hinterland of myth and reality. between the visual language and nature. During the stay The personification of myth from ʦ ʧ Slection committee Naoko Horiuchi (Curator of Arts Initiative Tokyo[AIT] / Guest curator 2013) of the elder and the children of in Japan I investigate layers everyday, in the contemporary Moriya through drawing and of history, present and future: context. These works are my ʪ ʫ Keith Whittle UK (Independent curator / Invited international curator 2013) print investigation of the Known- making. The main objective how do our connections ARCUS Project Administration Committee for working with these topics has to food, land, environment within the great metaphor of to do with an interest of showing shift? Observing the local alchemy there are no answers a direct and intimate panorama situation and rethinking global and no definite end,but of everyday life in Moriya, Japan. structures, I am trying enable the journey and process of Using drawing and printmaking a dialog between personal experience of our existence. as primary tools, I want to experience knowledge and This attempt is a tiny gesture transmit a feeling of community the understanding of our in the universe, an aesthetic and identity, shared between the environment beyond a natural involvement children and the elder people as bodily perception. Slipping in in the process of understanding members of the same city; and the role of a silent observer, my reality as an individual, a to activate a visual interaction I am interested in simple and citizen of a country and part in which the particip small materials. of the lager global imagination ants of the ʠ ʡ project could find new meanings called Our Universe . and relations.
ʛ Rodrigo González Castillo 02 03 ϝΩγίʹͯɺੴ൛൛ͳͲɺ͞·͟·ͳૉࡐٕ๏Λͬͨ ϩυϦΰɾΰϯβϨεɾΧεςΟʔδϣ ൛ը੍࡞Λߦ͏ΧεςΟʔδϣɺࠓճͷࡏͰɺक୩ࢢͷࢠͲ ϝΩγίɾΦΞϋΧੜ·Εɻ ɺϝΩγ 1984 2009 ͷҟͳΔਓʑͷڠྗΛಘͯɺখֶߍ ͨͪߴྸऀͳͲɺੈ ίͷϕϥΫϧαʔφେֶଔۀɻେཧੴͷੴ൛ըΛத ΞʔΧεελδΦʹͯϫʔΫγϣοϓΛߦ͍·ͨ͠ɻ ৺ʹɺੴփؠɺϙϦΤεςϧɾϓϨʔτɺ൛ըɺϦϊϦ ʮເʯʮຊʯʮɺѪʯʮɺ͖ͳ৯ʯʮɺ͖ͳϞϯελʔʯͳ Ϝ൛ըͳͲɺଟذʹΔૉࡐٕ๏Λ༻͍ͨ൛ը Ͳͷ࣭͕ॻ͔ΕͨΧεςΟʔδϣͷΞϯέʔτʹɺࢀՃऀ͕ ੍࡞Λߦ͏ɻ 2009͔Β2013·ͰϝΩγίͷओ υϩʔΠϯάͰฦ͢Δͱ͍͏ํ๏͕࠾ΒΕͨࠓճͷϫʔΫ ཁͳΞʔτɾηϯλʔͷ̍ͭͰ͋ΔLa Ceiba Gráfica ʹͯɺΞʔςΟετͷ൛ը੍࡞ิॿɺ࣮ݧతͳ൛ը γϣοϓͰɺ࢜ࢁ͓ण࢘ͳͲɺ͕࣌มΘͬͯ୭͕࿈ ϫʔΫγϣοϓΛख͕͚Δɻ ͢Δຊͷ࢟͋Γͳ͕ΒɺΞχϝͷΩϟϥΫλʔɺ࣌ʹΦϦ ΠϯλʔωοτͷൃలʹΑΓɺҟจԽͷΠϝʔδʹ؆ δφϦςΟҲΕΔฦݟΒΕ·ͨ͠ɻ๛͔ͳ૾ྗʹΑͬͯඳ ୯ʹΞΫηε͠ɺڞ༗Ͱ͖Δݱࡏʹ͓͍ͯɺϝΩγ ͔Εͨͦ͏ͨ͠ແͷυϩʔΠϯάɺͦͷޙɺΧεςΟʔδϣ ί෦ͷΟνϣʔϧͷຽܳɺຊʹ͓͚Δ ʹΑͬͯҰຕҰຕ൛ըʹ͞ΕɺࢀՃऀ͕࣋ͪؼΔ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ ൛ըͳͲɺಛఆͷҬʹ͓͍ͯൃల͖ͯͨ͠ࢹ ֮ݴޠɺͦͷੜ࢈աఔʹؔ৺Λ࣋ͭɻओͳݸల ࡞ͱͯ͠లࣔ͞Ε·ͨ͠ɻ ʢϞϯςϨʔۙඒज़ؗɺϝΩγίɺ ʹɺʮ ʯ Local tótem ൛ըͷख๏Λ༻͍Δ͜ͱͰɺΠϝʔδԿͰෳ͕Մೳͱ ʣ 2012 ɺ·ͨɺओͳάϧʔϓలʹʮ ʯ La expendeduría ͳΓɺ͔ͭͯͷුੈֆͷΑ͏ʹɺ୭͕खʹೖΕΒΕΔใݯͱ ʢαϯɾϛήϧɾσɾΞδΣϯσɺϝΩγίɺ ʣ ʢϨ 2013 ɺʮ ʯ Sabor ͯ͠ػೳ͠·͢ɻΧεςΟʔδϣࠓճɺຊͰݹ͔͘Β༻͍Β ΦφϧυɾίσοΫεɾΞʔτɾΞοαϯϒϥʔδϡɺχϡʔϤʔΫɺ Ε͍ͯΔூࠁόϨϯΛ༻͍Δ͜ͱͰɺૉࡐख๏ͷ্Ͱ ʣ ʢΨϨϦΞɾσɾΞϧ 2012 ɺʮ ʯ Lo continuo y lo discreto ৽ͨͳࢼΈΛߦ͍·ͨ͠ɻ ʣ ςɾίϯςϯϙϥʔωΦɾϋϥύɺϕϥΫϧεɺϝΩγίɺ 2010 ͳͲ͕͋Δɻ In Mexico, Castillo uses various plates and techniques Born in Oaxaca, Mexico in 1984. Graduated such as limestone and woodblock for his printmaking from Veracruzana University in Mexico. Castillo methods. During his residence this time, he held mainly uses lithograph as well as various plates workshops at elementary schools and the ARCUS and techniques such as limestone, polyester, Studio that brought children and elderly people in Moriya woodblock, and linocut for his printmaking together. methods. From 2009 to 2013, Castillo worked at Giving the participants questionnaires concerning the leading art center, La Ceiba Gráfica, assisting ʠ ʡʠ ʡʠ ʡ subjects such as A DREAM, JAPAN, LOVE, ʟ artists printmaking process and holding ʠ ʡ ʠ ʡ experimental printmaking workshops. FAVORITE FOOD, and FAVORITE MONSTER, he By the development of the age of Internet, we had them respond in drawings. Among the responses can easily access and share other cultures were images of things people always associate with images. He is interested in their unique visual Japan, such as Mt. Fuji and sushi, as well as anime cultures and its process how they have characters and sometimes highly original drawings. developed, such as crafts of Huichol tribe from Castillo then printed each of the many drawings Northern Mexico and Japanese wood block paintings. imaginatively rendered and displayed them as artworks Major solo show of Castillo includes Local totem, that participants could take home. Monterrey Museum of Modern Art, Mexico Use of the printmaking method enables the image to be 2012, also group shows, La expendeduría, reproduced endlessly, so that it functions, as in Ukiyo-e, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, 2013, Sabor, as a commonly available information source. Using Leonardo Codex Art Assemblage, New York ʠ ʡ engraving knives, handheld baren burnishing tools, 2012, Lo continuo y lo discrete, Galeria de Arte and other tools long used in Japan, Castillo undertook an Contemporáneo de Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, 2010. endeavor that was new in both materials and technique. ൛ըɾΠϯελϨʔγϣϯ NOW&THEN NOW&THEN Woodcut, Installation
ʛ Rodrigo González Castillo ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM 2013 04 05 ൛ըɾΠϯελϨʔγϣϯ NOW&THEN NOW&THEN Woodcut, Installation
ʛ Sybille Neumeyer ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM 2013 06 07 ಈ২ͷੜଶܥͷมԽؾީมಈͳͲΛϞνʔϑʹɺஸೡͳ γϏϨɾϊΠϚΠϠʔ ϑΟʔϧυϫʔΫΛ௨ͯ͠ө૾࡞ΠϯελϨʔγϣϯΛ੍࡞ 1982υΠπɾϊΠϚϧΫτੜ·Εɻίϛϡχέʔγϣ ͢ΔϊΠϚΠϠʔɺक୩Ͱɺྛͷࢄࡦʮक୩ϛπόνϓ ϯɾσβΠφʔɺΞʔςΟετɺϦαʔνϟʔͳͲɺଟ ϩδΣΫτʯͷݟֶɺΦΦεζϝόνͷ࠾औʹऔΓΉͳͲɺੵۃ ༷ͳ׆ಈΛߦ͏ɻϰϡϧπϒϧΫେֶʹͯݴޠՊ తʹڥͷϦαʔνΛߦ͍·ͨ͠ɻͦ͏ͨ͠தͰɺࠓճͷࡏ ֶɺඒज़࢙ɺຽֶΛֶΜͩޙɺ ɺϰϡϧπ 2011 Ͱಛʹɺશͯͷੜ໋ͷࠜݯΛࢧ͍͑ͯΔͱ͍͑Δʮʯʹண ϒϧΫԠ༻ԽֶେֶίϛϡχέʔγϣϯɾσβΠϯՊ ճͷΦʔϓϯελδΦͰϊΠϚΠϠʔɺελδ ͠·ͨ͠ɻ 1 ଔۀɻಉɺϕϧϯܳज़େֶେֶӃʹͯใɾίϛϡ χέʔγϣϯՊमྃɻߟݹֶɺ২ֶɺཧֶͳͲɺ ΦͷςʔϒϧʹΛஔ͖ɺͦΕΛʹݟཱͯʮݐஙՈʯʮɺࢠ ͞·͟·ͳֶʹؔ৺Λ࣋ͪɺͦͷϦαʔν ͲʯɺʮՈʯɺʮࢢ։ൃऀʯɺʮࣗવʯͳͲͷׂΛ༩͑ΒΕͨ ϑΟʔϧυϫʔΫΛݩʹɺؾީࣗવݱͳͲΛϞ ʑ͕ʹ৮Εͳ͕Βɺ࣌ʹڠྗ͠ɺ࣌ʹഁյΛ܁Γฦͦ͠Εͧ ਓ νʔϑʹͨ͠ө૾࡞ΠϯελϨʔγϣϯΛ੍࡞ ΕͷΛߦ͢Δͱ͍͏ϫʔΫγϣοϓΛߦ͍·ͨ͠ɻͦΕɺ ͍ͯ͠Δɻ͜Ε·ͰʹɺϞϯΰϧυΠπɺεΠεɺΫ ͷ͍Λײ͡ͳ͕ΒɺͦΕʹ৮Δײ֮ΛऔΓ͢ͱͱʹɺࢲ ϩΞνΞͳͲɺଟ͘ͷࠃʹࡏͨ͠ܦݧΛ࣋ͭɻओ ͳݸలʹɺʮ ʯ silence of nature/nature of silence ཱ͕͍ͨͪͬͯΔେͦͷͷʹ૾ΛدͤΔ࣌ؒͱͯ͠ػೳ ʢΞΧσϛʔɾγϡϩεɾιϦνϡʔυɺγϡτΡοτΨϧτɺυΠπɺ ͠·ͨ͠ɻ·ͨɺͦͷޙ༿ΛϞνʔϑʹɺීஈݟա͝͠ ʣ 2013 ɺʮ past present, presence absent – urban ͯ͠·͍͕ͪͳͦΕΒͷখ͞ͳݺٵಈ͖ɺͦ͜ʹू·Δੜ໋Λ ʢ ɺβάϨϒɺΫϩΞνΞɺ ʣ POGON 2013 ʯ ɺओͳά aspects ࠶ೝࣝͤ͞Δ࡞Λ੍࡞͠·ͨ͠ɻ ʢϕϧΫγϟ ʗϗʔ ϧʔϓలʹʮ ʯ In Our Backyards ελδΦʹɺΛମݧ͢ΔϏσΦɾΠϯελϨʔγϣϯΛɺͦ͠ ϧ ϥΠϓπΟώɺυΠπɺ ʣ 12, 2012 ɺʮ x:1 – the invisible ͯɺผࣨʹͯɺֻ͚࣠ͳͲʹ༻͞Ε͍ͯͨࢴΛεΫϦʔϯʹ ʢΞΧσϛʔɾγϡϩεɾιϦνϡʔυɺ ʯ part of the iceberg By conducting careful fieldwork, Neumeyer creates video ʣ γϡτΡοτΨϧτɺυΠπɺ 2011 ͳͲ͕͋ΔɻϨΫνϟʔ ༻͍ͨ༿ͬͺͷө૾Λൃද͠·ͨ͠ɻ works and installations taking climate change and plant ϫʔΫγϣοϓଟߦ͏ɻ ecology as motifs. In Moriya, she has accordingly taken ʠ ʡ forest walks, observed the Moriya Honeybee Project, Born in Neumarkt, Germany in 1982. Neumeyer has been active in various careers such as researched the Asian giant hornet, and actively conducted communication designer, artist, and visual environmental research. In her research this time, she was researcher. After she studied linguistic, art history particularly attentive to soil, the source of all life. In her and ethnology at University of Würzburg, Neumeyer first open studio, Neumeyer placed soil on the studio table received diploma in Communication design at ʠ ʡ and assigned roles to participants, such as architect , University of Applied Sciences Würzburg. In ʠ ʡʠ ʡʠ ʡ ʠ ʡ child , farmer , city planner , and nature . In acting 2011, she received a master degree in Visual out their roles, the participants worked with the soil, some Communication at Bern University of the Arts (Hochschule der Künste Bern). Interested in multi of them by cooperating together and others using acts of disciplinary fields such as archeology, botany and destruction. The workshop allowed people to touch and geography, Neumeyer produces installation and smell the soil, and along with this contact, encouraged video work using motifs of climate and natural them to think about the ground under their feet. She phenomenona based on research and fieldwork. also created artworks taking soil and leaves as motifs: Major solo shows of Neumeyer include Silence of artworks looked closely at the breath and movement of nature/nature of silence, Akademie Schloss Solitude, soil and leavesŠthings we normally overlookŠand the Stuttgart, Germany, 2013, past present, presence life forms gathering in them. absent – urban aspects, POGON, Zagreb, Croatia, 2013, major group shows, In Our Backyards, In the studio, she created a video installation around Werkschau/Halle 12, Leipzig Germany, 2012, x:1 – this experience of soil, while in another room, she the invisible part of the iceberg, Akademie Schloss displayed a video of one leaf on a screen of Japanese Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany, 2011. She also holds paper, a material traditionally used in hanging scrolls. various workshops and lectures. ʢ2νϟϯωϧʣ ʢγϯάϧνϟϯωϧʣ ର ϏσΦɾΠϯελϨʔγϣϯ ᴹ पล؍ɿඪຊ ϏσΦɾΠϯελϨʔγϣϯ ᴹ P.6 P.7 01 P.6 dialogue 2-channel video installation P.7 peripheral observations: specimen 01 Single-channel video installation
ʛ Sybille Neumeyer ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM 2013 08 09 ʢ2νϟϯωϧʣ ର ϏσΦɾΠϯελϨʔγϣϯ dialogue 2-channel video installation
ʛ Nandesha Shanthi Prakash 10 11 ϓϥΧγϡͷग़Ͱ͋ΔΠϯυɺۙͷٸܹͳܦࡁൃలʹ φϯσγϟɾγϟϯςΟɾϓϥΧγϡ ΑΓɺߴϏϧͷݐઃϥογϡͷ΄͔ɺେܕγϣοϐϯάηϯλʔ 1968ΠϯυɾόϯΨϩʔϧੜ·ΕɻόϯΨϩʔϧ ͷཚཱʹΑͬͯେྔੜ࢈ɾফඅ͞ΕΔ৯ͳͲɺࣾձγ ͷΧϨοδɾΦϒɾϑΝΠϯɾΞʔπC.K.P.ͰԠ༻ඒज़ εςϜʹ͓͍ͯେ͖ͳมԽΛܴ͍͑ͯ·͢ɻͦ͏ͨ͠ෳࡶͳݱ ΛֶΜͩޙɺϋʔτɾΞχϝʔγϣϯɾΞΧσϛʔɾϋΠ ࣾձͷ͋ΓํΛΠϯυͷ౷ਆΛҾ༻͠ͳ͕Β࡞Խ͠ σϥόʔυʹͯΞχϝʔγϣϯΛɺόϯΨϩʔϧେֶ ɺਓʑ͕ରቂ͍ͯ͠Δʮม ͍ͯΔϓϥΧγϡɺक୩ʹ͓͍ͯ ʹͯ൛ըΛֶͿɻ ɺόϯΨϩʔϧɾΞʔςΟ 2006 Խʯʹண͠ɺϦαʔνΛߦ͍·ͨ͠ɻ επɾηϯλʔɺΞʔςΟετɾΠϯɾϨδσϯεɾϓϩ ʢ ʣ BAC άϥϜ Λઃཱɻܳطͱڞʹɺࠂ 1ճͷΦʔϓϯελδΦͰߦͬͨϫʔΫγϣοϓͰɺ๚Εͨ ϓϩύΨϯμͱ͍ͬͨਓʑʹୡ͞Ε͍͢දݱ ͞·͟·ͳਓʑʹɺ൴Β͕ܴ͍͑ͯΔʮมԽʯʹ͍ͭͯճͯ͠ ΛΈ߹Θͤɺෳࡶͳݱࣾձͷ͋ΓํɺಛʹΠ Β͍·ͨ͠ɻͦ͜ͰಘΒΕͨݴ༿ɺϓϥΧγϡ͕क୩͔Β౦ ϯυʹ͓͚Δ࣏ҙࣝʹ͍Λ͔͚͛ΔூࠁΠ ژ·ͰंͰҠಈͨ͠ө૾ͱͱʹө͠ग़͞Ε·͢ɻӍͷͷं ϯελϨʔγϣϯΛ੍࡞͍ͯ͠Δɻ͜Ε·Ͱͷओͳ ૭͔Β֗ΛோΊΔ༷ࢠ͕ࡱӨ͞Εͨͦͷө૾ɺϫΠύʔ͕ࠨ లཡձʹɺʮGive Me The Thumb of Your Right ʢεϜΧɾΪϟϥϦʔɺόϯΨϩʔϧɺΠϯυɺ ʣ 2013 ʯ ɺ Hand ӈʹಈ͘ʹɺ৺ཧతͳมԽ͕Ө͞Ε͍ͯΔΑ͏ʹݟ͑ͯ ʢΞύϥΦɾΪϟϥϦʔɺνΣϯ ʮ ʯ Chennai Art Festival ͖·͢ɻͦΕɺຊॳࡏͱͳΔϓϥΧγϡ͕ࣗମݧͨ͠Π ʣ φΠɺΠϯυɺ 2011 ɺʮTRIAD Contemporary Art of ϯυ͔Βຊɺͦͯ͠ɺक୩͔Β౦ژͱ͍͏ཧతͳҠಈม ʢϥϒϥϯυɾϛϡʔδΞϜɺίϩϥυɺถࠃɺ ʣ 2010 ʯ ɺ India Խɺ·ͨɺࡏதʹݟֶͨ͠ྛͷޫܠ༗ػ๏ʹΑΔஸೡ ʢνοτϥΧ ʮ ʯ Video Art Festival at Chitra Santhe ͳࡊͮ͘ΓͱɺεʔύʔϚʔέοτͳͲͰݟΔۉ࣭తͳࡊʹ ʣ ϥɾύϦογϟʔεɺόϯΨϩʔϧɺΠϯυɺ 2009 ͳͲ͕͋Δɻ ײͨ͡ҧײͳͲɺ൴͕ࣗରቂͨ͠͞·͟·ͳมԽͱݺԠ͠ Born in Bangalore, India in 1968. After studied ͍ͯΔͱ͍͑ΔͰ͠ΐ͏ɻ applied arts at Collage of Fine Arts at Bangalore, Prakash learned animation at Heart Animation Academy Hyderabad and printmaking at Bangalore University. In 2006, he established Bangalore Artists Center, artist in residence program (BAC). Prakash produces installation and sculptures by mixing crafts/ready-made objects and advertisements/propaganda that are communicable to people expressing how complicated contemporary society is, especially questioning Indian political consciousness. ʟ Prakash s major exhibitions include Give Me The Due to rapid economic development in recent years, video imagery taken while driving by car from Moriya to Thumb of Your Right Hand, Gallery Sumukha, ʟ Prakashs homeland of India has seen a proliferation of Tokyo. The video shows scenes of towns taken from the e, India, 2013, Chennai Art Festival, Bangalor new high-rise buildings and shopping centers. Accordingly, car window on a rainy day, with the windshield wipers Apparao Galleries, Chennai, India, 2011, TRIAD new mass-produced products and foods are becoming moving back and forth. As we watch, each movement of Contemporary Art of India, Loveland Museum, Colorado, USA, 2010, Video Art Festival at available, and society is quickly changing. As an artist the wipers seems to herald psychological change. The Chitra Santhe, Chitrakala Parishath, Bangalore, who explores the character of complex modern society in sense of change we feel in the video perhaps resonates India, 2009. India while quoting Indian traditions and myths, Prakash with the varying change Prakash himself has experienced, ʠ ʡ researched and examined the change confronting people not only through physical movement from India to Japan in Moriya as well. for his first Japanese residency and then by car from For his first workshop, held in the first open studio, Prakash Moriya to Tokyo, but also in the strangeness of going from had the many different people visiting the workshop bamboo groves and carefully tended, organically grown ʠ ʡ respond to questions about change in their lives. He then vegetables in Moriya to urban scenes of homogenous presented the verbal responses thus received together with looking vegetables on display in supermarkets. δʔόφᴷੜ໋ʗଘࡏϏσΦʗ 6 Jivana – The Life / Existence Video / 6min
ʛ Nandesha Shanthi Prakash ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM 2013 12 13 ϋϯΪϯάɾΨʔσϯ ΠϯελϨʔγϣϯ Hanging Garden Installation
ΞʔΧεϓϩδΣΫτ2013͍Β͖ ARCUS Project 2013 IBARAKI ँࣙᴹAcknowledgement Artist in Residence Program ΞʔςΟετɾΠϯɾϨδσϯεϓϩάϥϜ Χλϩά Catalog ʦEdited byʧ ʦฤूʧ Ryota Tomoshige, Mizuho Ishii, Yumiko Fujimoto ேॏཾଠɺੴҪਸ਼ึɺ౻ຊ༟ඒࢠ ʦTextʧ ʦςΩετʧ Naoko Horiuchi ຊϓϩάϥϜΛ։࠵͢Δʹ͋ͨΓɺ͝ڠྗ͍͖ͨͩ·ͨͯ͢͠ͷํʹް͘ޚྱਃ্͛͠·͢ɻ ງಸึࢠ ʢܟশུɺ Իॱʣ 50 ·ͨɺ͜͜ʹ໊͓લΛه͢͜ͱͷͰ͖ͳ͔ͬͨํʑʹվΊͯײँਃ্͛͠·͢ɻ ʦ ʧ Translation Kanako Sasaki / Brian Amstutz / ARCUS Studio We would like to express our sincere gratitude to those mentioned below for their generous cooperation and contribution. ʦ༁ʧ ʗϒϥΠΞϯɾΞϜελοπʗΞʔΧεελδΦ ࠤʑՃಸࢠ ʦDesignʧ Toshimasa Kimura ʦσβΠϯʧ म࢘ Shuji Akagi ࡾڮҁࢠ Ayako Mitsuhashi ଜູক ʦPrinted byʧ ϛϠλϢΩ ΞφɾϓλοΫ Anna Ptak Yuki Miyata YAMADA PHOTO PROCESS CO., LTD ߂࣏ ߥҪ߂উ Hirokatsu Arai Hiroharu Mori ʦҹʧ ਔ ༗ొ Yoshito Arichi Yoshinari Yano ʦPhotographyʧ גࣜձࣾࢁాࣸਅ൛ॴ ࢁҪরݦ ൧ాઍস Chie Iida Teruaki Yamanoi Hajime Kato, Akira Yasuda, Sybille Neumeyer ࢁຊ ൧ాஐ߂ Tomohiro Iida Sho Yamamoto ʦࣸਅࡱӨʧ ʦPublished byʧ एྛᔨᠳ ൧পᏻ Akira Iinuma Hiroto Wakabayashi Ճ౻ำɺ҆ాڿɺγϏϨɾϊΠϚΠϠʔ ARCUS Project Administration Committee, ా Satoshi Ikeda Conference for creation of Gateway to the Arts ࢢॕળ Noriyoshi Ichikawa ʦൃߦʧ in Ibaraki Prefecture Southern Area Ξϛϡθദ Ҵ༿༄ࡾ Ryuzo Inaba ΞʔΧεϓϩδΣΫτ࣮ߦҕһձ ͔ͷ ϚσϦϯɾΥʔϨϯ Madalyn Warren Published in March 2015 ҵݝೆܳज़ͷձٞ δʔόφԂ ڂໜҰ Shigekazu Oikawa ্Ӻ εςʔγϣϯΪϟϥϦʔ খҰ Issei Ogawa JR Break ʦൃߦʧ ARCUS Project 2013 IBARAKI ৗ૯ڥηϯλʔ َ௩߁ଠ Kotaro Onizuka 20153݄ ᴷ ౦ژज़େֶඒज़ֶ෦ઌܳज़දݱՊ َ௩಼ࠫ Nagisa Onizuka ʦ ʧ ARCUS Project Administration Committee দࢬҹגࣜձࣾ খরߦ Teruyuki Ono Chairman क୩ࢢཱদέٰখֶߍ ਆࢁߊ Akira Kamiyama 6 3 ΞʔΧεϓϩδΣΫτ ͍Β͖ 2013 Masaru Hashimoto, Governor, Ibaraki Prefecture ϛϡʔδΞϜύʔΫҵݝࣗવതؗ খྛ͋͢Έ Asumi Kobayashi ᴷ Vice Chairman ࢢͷՈͷօ༷ খྛ༏ࢠ Yuko Kobayashi Shinichi Aida, Mayor, Moriya City ʦΞʔΧεϓϩδΣΫτ࣮ߦҕһձʧ ϫʔΫγϣοϓʹࢀՃ͍͍ͨͩͨօ༷ ۚಓষ Michiaki Konno Hitoshi Komatsubara, Director General, Department ʢҵݝࣄʣ ձɿڮຊণ of Planning, Ibaraki Prefecture ܓࡾ ᴷ ࡈ౻ Keizo Saito ʢक୩ࢢʣ ෭ձɿձాਅҰ Inspector ࡈ౻ߒ࢜࿕ Koshiro Saito Amuser Kashiwa ʢҵݝاը෦ʣ ɹɹɹɹখদݪਔ Katsuyoshi Kawamata, Chairman of the Board, ࡈ౻ਅཬಸ Marina Saito Sabo Kaya-no-ki ʢެӹࡒஂ๏ਓҵݝࠃࡍަྲྀڠձཧࣄʣ ࣄɿມউܚ Ibaraki International Association Ҫ༞ࢠ Yuko Sasai Jiibana Farm ʢҵݝاը෦Ҭܭը՝ʣ ࣄہɿࠜຊതจ Secretary General ໊ౙथ Fuyuki Shiina Break Station Gallery, Ueno ʢඒज़ؗؗʣ ΞυόΠβʔɿೆᑍ࢙ੜ Hirofumi Nemoto, Director, Area Planning Division, ᖂ୩ѥل Aki Shibuya Joso Enviromental Center Department of Planning, Ibaraki Prefecture νʔϑίʔσΟωʔλʔɿேॏཾଠ ਗ਼ਫߊ Tadaaki Shimizu Department of Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts Adviser ίʔσΟωʔλʔɿੴҪਸ਼ึʗ౻ຊ༟ඒࢠ ࢁ๖ʑ Momo Shiroyama Matsueda Printing Inc. Fumio Nanjo, Director of Mori Art Museum ᴷ ਿݪརত Toshiaki Sugihara Matsugaoka Elementary School, Moriya Chief Coordinator ʦࣄہʧ ߴඒࢠ Himiko Takasawa IBARAKI NATURE MUSEUM Ryota Tomoshige ˟ 310-8555 ҵݝਫށࢢּݪொ978-6 Coordinators ߴڮཁ Kaname Takahashi Some unknown farmers ҵݝاը෦Ҭܭը՝ Mizuho Ishii / Yumiko Fujimoto ߴڮ๕ඒ Yoshimi Takahashi Workshop participants tel: 029-301-2735ᴹfax: 029-301-2739 ᴷ ೭ྤՆ Ruka Takenouchi ʦ ʧ Administration Committee Office ᴷ ೭ྤᣦ Ruri Takenouchi Area Planning Division, Department of Planning, ʦΞʔΧεελδΦʧ ాݪஐඒ Satomi Tahara Ibaraki Prefectural Government ˟ 302-0101 ҵݝक୩ࢢ൘ށҪ2418 औग़উ Katsuhiko Toride 978-6 Kasaharacho, Mito, Ibaraki, 301-8555 Japan Γֶͼͷཬ औग़ਖ਼ࢬ Masae Toride tel: +81-29-301-2735 | fax: +81-29-301-2739 tel: 0297-46-2600 ӬҪਅཧࢠ Mariko Nagai ᴷ ඌఓ Sachiyo Nishio ʦ ʧ ARCUS Studio ౻ాढ़࡞ Shunsaku Fujita 2418 Itatoi, Moriya, Ibaraki, 302-0101 Japan tel: +81-297-46-2600 ݹ୩തࢠ Hiroko Furuya ຊాঘࢠ Takako Honda ©2015 ARCUS Project Administration Committee. All rights reserved.ᴹຊࢽͷҰ෦·ͨશ෦ͷແஅసࡌΛې͡·͢ɻ