If you've made a genuine mistake in the spelling of a passenger's name, Ryanair typically allows you to correct it without charge. This is a helpful feature for those whomayhavemadeatypographicalerrorduringthebookingprocess. 2. NameChangesDuetoMarriageorLegalReasons In cases where a passenger's name needs to be changed due to marriage, divorce, or legal reasons, Ryanair usually permits such changes without an additional fee. However,theairline may require supporting documentation, such as a marriage certificate or court order, to process the change. 3. Ryanair Name ChangeFee For cases other than the ones mentioned above, Ryanair Change name fee. The amountofthefeecanvaryandissubjecttothespecificcircumstancesofthe request. It's essential to check Ryanair's official website for the most up-to-date information on applicable fees. HowtoChangeaNameonaRyanairReservation? Nowthatyou'refamiliarwiththebasicsofRyanair'snamechangepolicy,let'sexplore the steps to amend a passenger's name on your reservation: 1. Visit Ryanair's Official Website Toinitiate the name change process, visit Ryanair's official website. It's the most reliable source of information and provides a user-friendly interface for managing your reservation. 2. Log In to Your Account If you have a Ryanair account, log in to access your booking. If you don't have an account, you can create one or proceed as a guest, depending on your booking details.