3. Locate Your Reservation Onceyou'reloggedin,findyourreservationbyenteringthebookingreferenceandthe email address associated with the booking. This will give you access to your flight details. 4. Request a NameChange Within your reservation, look for the option to request a name change. Click on this option and follow the provided instructions. Make sure to have all necessary documentationonhandifyournamechangeisduetomarriageorlegalreasons. 5. Pay Any Applicable Fees If a name change fee is required, you will be prompted to pay it during the process. Haveyourpaymentmethodreadytocompletethetransaction. 6. Verify and Confirm Reviewall the information for accuracy before confirming the name change request. Onceconfirmed,youwillreceiveanupdatede-ticketwiththecorrectedpassenger name. Important Considerations ● Ryanair'snamechangepolicyissubjecttochange,soit'sessentialtocheck their website for the most current information and guidelines. ● Namechangesshouldbemadewellinadvanceofyourflighttoavoidany last-minute hassles or additional charges. ● Keepallnecessarydocumentation,suchasmarriagecertificatesorcourt orders, handy if you're making a name change for legal reasons.