Classes - Se New Years lf Car Resolution Mental Fitness Workshop Instructor: Kali Rose Spirit Wisdom e Scotts Valley Community Center Wednesday: January 10th, 6:30-8:00pm Feeling stressed, burned out, frustrated, anxious, depressed, or disappointed with yourself or the world? These are challenging times! Mental Fitness is the capacity to shift e昀昀ortlessly from negative emotions to calm clear-headed action. Just as physical 昀椀tness allows us to move through our daily lives with ease and 昀氀ow, mental 昀椀tness enables us to live our best lives by enhancing our peace of mind and sense of well-being, boosting our performance, and strengthening our relationships. Make 2024 your best year yet by getting mentally 昀椀t and all your resolutions will fall into place with ease! Scan to Register 8