www.jesuits.africa JCAM 2022 Annual Review 07 The BPE Flagship supports three pillars of action: Through the BPE the Jesuits, the Catholic sisters and their • Policy advocacy based on the generation and use of data, collaborators in Africa who have a very large network of schools evidence and research to inform public policies, programmes leverage their long experience in education to advocate for better and plans for education transformation and for increased pathways for holistic education and formation and suggest policy enrolment and increased retention of girls in school; responses to the crisis of education that Africa needs. • Action and advocacy efforts to ensure return to school for drop COVID-19 has shut an entire generation of adolescent girls in Africa out of school girls and continuity of learning out of the education system. Millions of children in low- and • Country, community and school-level action to promote safe middle-income African countries have not returned to schools as schools and education that empowers in order to prevent schools reopened at the beginning of last year. widening gender inequalities in education. St. Tereza of Calcutta, BPE partner - beneficiaries visiting their school garden.