06 JCAM 2022 www.jesuits.africa Annual Review Girls learning agriculture at St. Francis Xavier Laudato Si’ Action programme, at Modern, a BPE partner. Boni Concilli, a BPE partner. he Bakhita Partnership for Education (BPE) – A JENA Picture of xxxxxxxxxxxx Response to Safeguard Girls’ T Education in Africa Fr. Charles Chilufya, SJ Director, JENA With the support of the Hilton Foundation, the Jesuit Justice and Ecology Network Africa (JENA) launched the Bakhita Partnership for Education (BPE) in October 2020 as a platform for collaboration among Jesuits and other Catholic Church actors in the field of education to protect African girls’ right to quality education in the wake of COVID-19. In response to Pope Francis’ call on the Church to mobilise leadership for the construction of a healthier and more just post-COVID-19 world, the BPE is working with its partners and various actors for the needed transformation of institutions, minds and hearts to build that world that cares about the wellbeing of girls.