06 JCAM 2021 Annual Review At 20 years we are not only celebrating the milestones of AJAN, but numerous men, women, young people and children with names, histories, social connections who believed in the greatness of life against death. We are coming to ask ourselves what next? And how else? There is stabilization of deaths! What a consolation! New infections, however, still emerge, and young girls and women bear the biggest burden. In 2020 for instance about 1.5 million new infections were estimated to have occurred; 1.3 million of them were adults, while 160,000 were children under 15 years of age. Our 20 years is thus a renewal of our commitment in the name of those affected and infected with HIV, to continue walking with the poor, outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated and to accompany young people, (particularly those touched directly and indirectly by HIV) in the creation of a hope-filled future. (Jesuits’ UAPs, 2019). It means in other words, do not leave anyone behind. AIDS and other pandemics like Covid-19 today aggravate the situation of Africans, and the less privileged who are already suffering and facing various challenges. It is a mission. Training of Trainers on AHAPPY © AJAN Saile, a 28 years-old young man from the DR Congo so-and-so-many kilos of diamonds. And I knew a good deal contracted HIV while working in a quarry as a “boulonneur” had been struck when we drunk lots of beer in the evening. (one who digs). He was abandoned with his serious sickness Father, people drink so much in the quarries”. (cf. Far from when he became unproductive. In his hospital bed battling Powerlessness. Compilation of Stories Published by AJAN, between life and death he said: “life in the quarry became p.29). This case points to millions of other similar cases in harder than ever, because although our team found plenty our societies. of diamonds, I worked far from those who handled them. I Josephine, a determined and courageous widow and dug in the quarry and didn’t really know what went on beneficiary of the Jesuit Solidarity Fund (Uganda) set up a outside. I would just hear that on a certain day, we got

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