JCAM 2021 05 Annual Review Fr. Kolvenbach observed that “everyone agrees on both the urgency and the immensity of the task….”. By this statement he already underscored, not only structural dimension of the task, but more importantly of delivering sense to the intermingling and sometimes contradictory dimension of faith, HIV & AIDS, and Justice, to the affected and infected persons. To date, AJAN has witnessed to the many lives at the margins of the society that despite them living with HIV, are still equal in dignity and value in the eyes of God. “I dream of acquiring a piece of land, where I can build a house, so my children can have a permanent place to call home. With improved health and support, I Youth participating in an event organised through AHAPPY hope I will make it”. © AJAN of hope amid the fear, anxiety and desolation caused by the Putting our best foot forward. pandemic. Through AJAN people experience the closeness By its closeness to all people living with HIV, (PLWHIV), of the Church, they experience the joy of resurrection. AJAN has witnessed profoundly the tears, suffering and Archbishop Philip Kpodzro would say about Centre hopes of people known by name, and no longer as statistics. Esperance Loyola in Lomé (Togo): “I pray that this Centre Fr. Orobator, President of JCAM affirms, “for many of the may become the symbol in our country of the commitment beneficiaries of AJANs work across the continent, stigma of the Catholic church in the fight against the AIDS has been defeated, hope has been reborn, and a new life is pandemic that causes so much devastation, especially now possible for them. Yet the key challenges remain: among our youth.” resources are drying up or being redirected to other global A 60 years-old widow from Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM) in emergencies and enthusiasm is waning among donners and Burundi states: “I have three children who are still at school, funders”. No wonder that Pope Francis in his address to the and I am looking after them on my own, and as I have no land 36th General Congregation of the Jesuits in 2017 said that of our own to cultivate, I have to work for others in order to “where there is pain, there the Society (of Jesus) is”. have enough to feed them. But with my advanced age, Guided, by the signs of the times, the Network has people are not ready to give me work, which makes my expanded its reach from adult PLWHIV to unborn babies situation even more precarious with my illness. When I was and children via other vulnerable adults, young girls and told that Service Yezu Mwiza was going to give school kits to mothers, and school dropout teenagers. Today the Network my children, I shed tears of joy, because it was like a miracle is present in 16 countries in sub-Saharan Africa with 21 for a widow like me, who was wondering how to send them centres and initiatives. AJAN has been an instrument, a to school. That God, the defender of widows and Father of voice of the Church and the Society of Jesus, a real beacon orphans, remembered me through Service Yezu Mwiza.”