12 JCAM 2021 Annual Review as Gaudium et Spes puts it, I heard the call of the Lord upon me as a Christian and as a Jesuit, “whom shall I send, who will go for us?” and I was convinced that it was worth the energy, time and other resources spent for a Jesuit and any follower of Christ like me to go to Glasgow carrying in my heart the countless who suffer the consequences of climate change in very serious ways. A sense of hope Outside the Scottish Event Campus (SEC), the venue of the COP26, were countless people, especially the young who camped there day and night in the cold and wet Glasgow weather, having travelled from far and wide to put pressure on world leaders to make good decisions. A notable and very strong force were the Fridays for Future. On the first Friday of the meeting, the Fridays for Future climate strike had 25,000 people (many of whom were students out on the streets rather than in class). They mounted serious Fr. Charles Chilufya, SJ, Director JENA participating demonstrations with powerful chanting and sloganeering. Glasgow's biggest protest on climate crisis Another notable outfit were the interfaith groups that had © Fr. Charles Chilufya, SJ camped outside the SEC as well, in serious prayer and meditation. “We are here to pray for you delegates and for the leaders so that we can have good outcomes for those The year 2020 was described as one of the hottest on who are suffering the effects of climate change,” said one of record and ocean heat content is still at rising record levels them, Reverend Hellen Bennet from the Church of England. as the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the Reverend Bennet had walked from London to Glasgow, a atmosphere continue to rise. We have seen the effects of journey that took her and others two months having left these changes in climate. In my reflection during the flight, I London in early September. thought of the millions of Africans going hungry because their crops were swept away by floods or were decimated by the heat and locusts. I thought of the fires that were ” We felt encouraged as well when experienced in Australia, Siberia, Spain, and California. Asia negotiators finally reached common rules continued to experience extreme weather events on carbon markets and when the United throughout as was reported in the World Disasters Report 2020. What about the severe drought in South America, States and China issued a declaration to water scarcity in India and the increased vulnerability to sea collaborate on climate action level rise of Small Island States. Feeling bound to those who suffer “by the deepest of bonds” this decade.”