JCAM 2021 11 Annual Review JENA COP26 GLASGOW Charles B. Chilufya, SJ - JENA, Director On that big Boeing 737 plane on my way to the 26th UN Climate Change conference in Glasgow, I was sure I was the only Jesuit but later when I arrived I met up with others, notably Fr Leonard Chiti, the Provincial Superior of Southern African Jesuits, Fr. Damian Howard, the Provincial Superior of Britain and a few other Jesuits and lay collaborators. On the plane I had already begun to reflect on the question, “why should a Jesuit be at the COP26?” Answers flooded my mind as I sat quietly reflecting on what this could be for me as a Jesuit. But one of inspirations that hit my mind and really bolstered me was when I remembered one of my influences to join the Jesuits, another Jesuit who often quoted the opening paragraph of the Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes (GS): The joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men [and women] of this age, especially those who are “ poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ. Indeed, nothing genuinely human fails to raise an echo in their hearts. For theirs is a community composed of men [and women]. United in Christ, they are led by the Holy Spirit in their journey to the Kingdom of their Father and they “ have welcomed the news of salvation which is meant for every man [and woman]. That is why this community realises that it is truly linked with mankind and its history by the deepest of bonds.

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