A B C D ISTOBAL HW’DRIVE3 - BUS FLEET DRIVE THROUGH WASH With Model ISTOBAL HW’DRIVE3 , all the advantages and options of the Drive Through systems come standard, which makes it the perfect machine for all types of bus fleets. The standard machine includes a pre-soak arch and four vertical brushes spinning in opposite directions for better results. The shampoo dosing pump and the electrical cabinet are built into one of the columns. It includes a practical command post to control the manual movement of brushes, an emer - gency stop button, several activation possibilities for the optional extras, and mirror-avoidance functions. SPLIT FRONT BRUSHES A patented split-brush system prevents front mirrors from being damaged by lifting the top section of the front brushes. The bottom section brushes the vehicle front. The horizontal brush ensures the perfect cleaning of the vehicle roof for a variety of heights thanks to the 1,500 mm [4’-1”] lifting system integrated into the machine structure HORIZONTAL BRUSH FEATURES SPEED DETECTION Thanks to three pairs of photocells, the system detects if the vehicle reaches the speed limit. If this is the case, the front brushes are automatically opened before the vehicle reaches them, or the machine stops and stays in emergency mode. OPTIONAL EXTRAS • Rinsing arch with wax • Integrated underchassis wash, 20 bar [290Psi] • Exit traffic light to indicate rear wash • Soft starters for brush spin • Basic control screen • Demineraliser unit • Recycler unit • esens ® chemical products *Figures in brackets estimated using US Imperial System equivalents. In case of doubt or inconsistency, the International System (Metric Dimensions) shall prevail. A - Machine height: 5,600 mm [18’-4 1/2”] B - Wash height: 4,100 mm [13’-5 3/4”] C - Bay width: 6,500 mm [21’-3 7/8”] D - Bay length: 8,500-11,500 mm [27’-10 5/8”]-[37’-8 3/4”] A B C D ISTOBAL HW’DRIVE NOTE: ISTOBAL, S.A. reserves the right to introduce modifications designed to improve its products.