OUR REACH: UNDERREPRESENTED COMMUNITIES Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) data is self-reported by program participants. Companies that did not report DEI data are not included in these statistics. Participants in multiple programs that have reported DEI data in different programs (or that have reported multiple categories) may fall under multiple underrepresented categories and may have been counted multiple times in the total. This graph serves only as a depiction of the breakdown of underrepresented individuals who identified as such, accessing Innovate BC programs. 1060 Women 702 People of Colour 393 Youth 316 Other 93 Indigenous Ignite 8 COMPANIES SUPPORTED Innovation Marketplace 10 BY PROGRAM This graph shows a breakdown of companies supported through BC Fast 14 Innovate BC programs. The Innovator Innovator Skills Initiative is the program with Skills the most funding available. Initiative 2,058 New Ventures BC Competition 25 Digital Economy: Rapid Response + Resiliency ScaleUp 64 Program 502 Venture Digital Skills for Youth 188 Acceleration Program 420 2021–2022 IMPACT REPORT | 9

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