Srinivasan A TO Z INDIA ● MAY 2022 ● PAGE 19 Hadi Rani was a Queen of Rajasthan in India. She was a daughter of Hada Chauhan Rajput married to Ratan Singh, a Chundawat chieftain of Salumbar in Mewar who sacrificed herself to motivate her husband to go to a battle. When Maharana Raj Singh I (1653–1680) of Mewar called Ratan Singh to join the battle against Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, the commander, having married only a few days earlier hesitated about doing so. Perceptions of Rajput honour caused him to join the battle despite his reservations. He asked his wife, Hadi Rani, for some memento to take with him to the battlefield. Thinking that she was an obstacle to his doing his duty for Mewar, she cut off her head and put it on a plate. A servant covered it with a cloth and presented it to her husband. Devastated but ne vertheless proud, the commander tied the memento around his neck by its hair. He fought Hadi Rani - Daughter of Hada Chauhan Rajput Queen of Rajasthan: bravely, making the Aurangzeb's forces to flee, and after his victory, he got to his knees and cut his neck, having lost the desire to live. Legacy: Still today, people worship her in Rajasthan and folklore singers tell her story in songs about her chivalry, valor, courage. She is also inspiration of various stories, poems and songs in Rajasthan and her story is part of curriculum in R ajasthan. Hadi Rani Ki Baori is a stepwell located in Todaraisingh town in Tonk district of Rajasthan state in India. It is believed that it was built in 12th century CE. Rajasthan Police has formed a women's battalion named 'Hadi Rani Mahila Battalion'. A Bollywood director announced a movie to make on her however that project was shut down after Padmavat as it was banned in various parts of India.