Chandra Like other Orders, it has its learned sanyasis , who enjoy spiritual leadership, its Yogis, who specialise in Yogic practises; its mahants, who look after the temples, monasteries and Akharas well and its ordinary sadhus and lay members, called Gharbari Gosais, who marry and do normal avocations in various parts of the country, but are pledged to the glory of their Order. The Dashnamis are divided int o two sections: the shastradharis, who specialise in sacred lore, and the astradharis, who specialise in arms. The sanyasis, are ranged in four ranks. Kutichak, Bahudak, Hansa and Paramahansa - the last being the highest. The fighting wing is organised into akharas, and, in the past, played a historic role. The cult of the Dasnami Naga Sanyasis Hinduism: A TO Z INDIA JULY 2022 PAGE 35 Image: Tasvir-e naga sepahi, Picture of a Naga sadhu. Watercolour on paper, with identifying inscriptions in Persian in nasta'liq script. A fascinating group of paintings, both in the occupations depicted, but also in the striking manner in which the works reproduce the style of the Fraser Album (circa 1815-19), and in some cases recognisable characters who appear in the Album. The group demonstrates that the tradition of painting - both in terms of style and subject-matter - which is seen so vibrantly in the Fraser and Skinner Albums continued and was not an isolated phenomenon.