Mahima In the mid-1940s, when Bhagavan began to find it difficult to walk, Arumugam and I leveled and cleared the path on which Bhagavan usually took his daily walk. The path ran through the ashram to Palakottu and then back to the ashram via the lower slopes of the hill. To make a smooth surface we put mud on the path and covered it with soft sand. We also installed a tail stone at a place where there was a break in the slope so that Bhagavan could hold on to it while he was climbing. The path needed occasional maintenance because the herds of goats that roamed around the lower slopes of the hill frequently kicked thorny twigs onto it. One day, as I was walking along this path, I noticed several new thorns. I took a branch from a nearby tree and swept the path clean. That night, when I went to the ashra m for darshan, Bhagavan asked me, 'Who cleared that path?' I told him that I had decided to clean it because I had noticed some thorns while I was out for a walk. Bhagavan then asked me rather sharply, 'Why are you reflecting on this act which you have done?' I immediately understood that Bhagavan was trying to tell me that I should not have the idea, 'I have done this service for Bhagavan'. I was n ot aware that I was dwelling on this thought but Bhagavan must have seen it in my mind. 'You can see my mind. I was not aware that I was thinking, "I have done this". I just cleared the path because I didn't want Bhagavan to tread on any thorns. Bhagavan responded by saying, 'If you do not look back at the acts that you have done, a lot of benefits will accrue to you.' Bhagavan still seemed to be s uggesting that I was consciously dwelling on the act so I told him again, 'Bhagavan knows that I was not consciously thinking, "I did this job"'. Then I quoted a verse by Tayumanuvar: '0 God, you know my mind, you know my actions. If in spite of this, you chase me away from you, I shall have many troubles.' Bhagavan smiled at my quote and didn't pursue the matter any further. A TO Z INDIA JULY 2022 PAGE 36 Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Palakottu, Annamalai Swami remembered: