A TO Z INDIA magazine covers the Indian through his art, culture, lifestyle, religion, etc. This magazine gives an insight into the life of Indians from an angle uncovered by others. Turn to find out what it is about and to immerse yourself into an entirely different culture. Publication Team: EDITOR: Indira Srivatsa ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Dwarak, Srivatsa EDITORIAL CONSULTANTS: Santha, Bhavani, Srinivasan REPORTING: Raghavan PHOTOGRAPHY: Adithyan GRAPHICS ENGINEER: Chandra Editorial Office: E002, Premier Grihalakshmi Apartments, Elango Nagar South, Virugambakkam, Chennai - 600092, Tamil Nadu, India. Communication Details: MOBILE: +91-7550160116 e.mail id: [email protected] Disclaimer: A TO Z INDIA Magazine has made a constant care to make sure that content is accurate on the date of publication. The views expressed in the articles reflect the author(s) opinions. 04 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: WHY NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS MATTER MORE TODAY THAN YESTERYEAR Have a list of wishes for yourself, and turn them into action. Piles of research show that just dreaming about what you’d like to do , including making resolutions and setting goals, actually reduces the odds that you’ll achieve them . When done correctly, setting goals and making resolutions can shape our behavior for the better. 08 THE STORY OF A FAMINE THAT KILLED TEN MILLION INDIANS, AND BRITAIN'S GRIP ON THE NEW WORLD The story of how India helped shape America's destiny. A story that started with tea and ended with Hyder Ali. A TO Z INDIA: Editorial Address inside FROM THE EDITOR A TO Z INDIA ● DECEMBER 2021 ● PAGE 3