really be any better? With fresh breeze and a new year coming, many are optimistic. But we are not at the end. We are in what I famously call the “messy middle,” where everything is hardest. When everything went sideways this year, we were collectively freaked out - and also energized. We bravely adjusted to massive changes in the way we work, educate our children, shop, and socialize. But in the midst of crisis, we’re seeing just how little support our society offers to working parents, the unemployed, and many others who are struggling. This is what happens with all big change, and the bigger the change, the more tempted we are to give up, to turn our attention to something shiny or delicious, to seek short-lived hits of pleasure in lieu of long-term meaning. Research shows that setting specific, difficult goals consistently leads to higher performance (if that’s what you’re after). Where in your life would you like to step things up? Perhaps you’d like set up a gratitude practice, or maybe you’d like to spend less time on social media. Where can you do better despite the odds (and everything else)? The goal is not to add more pressure to an already difficult time, but to identify goals that co uld help you feel better and have more energy at the end of the day. Have a list of wishes for yourself, and turn them into action. Piles of research show that just dreaming about what you’d like to do, including making resolutions and setting goals, actually reduces the odds that you’ll achieve them . We also have to make specific plans , map out potential obstacles , and find ways to make the process en joyable . When done correctly, setting goals and making resolutions can shape our behavior for the better. Our habits can make us feel happier, healthier and more connected to those around us. These are worthy goals in any year, whether we are in a difficult situation or not. From the Editor's Desk: Why New Year’s Resolutions Matter More Today than Yesteryear Indira Srivatsa Editor | A TO Z INDIA [email protected] +91-7550160116 A TO Z INDIA ● DECEMBER 2021 ● PAGE 4 'Goodbye, 2021!', holiday cards announce. What a year! we exclaim to each other. We can’t wait for 2021 to be over. But as we settle into a hard winter, I can’t help wondering: Will 2022