From the Editor's Desk: Lord Ganesha — the Remover of all obstacles! Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 2021! Ganesha is the Elephant-headed God, son of Shiva & Parvati. In Hinduism with 33 million gods — every living being is considered a God and the non-living things such as stones are designated as abodes of the Gods. This is why we are into idol worship, have places of religious importance that have been associated with the Gods who walked the earth during their Avatars. The nature, the animals, the humans - each and everyone has a special status. So, a God with an elephant’s head hardly seems out of place! So, How was Ganesha born? Ganesha, the remover of obstacles was actually created to be an obstacle to anyone wishing to intrude on Parvati’s personal space! Ganesha was created when Parvati took the turmeric paste from her body and lovingly made a form of a boy. The birthday Indira Srivatsa of the Remover of all obstacles Editor - A TO Z INDIA, is on Friday, 10th of September. editor.i [email protected], Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 2021! +91-7550160116 A TO Z INDIA ● SEPTEMBER 2021 ● PAGE 4

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