8. Vijaya Lakshmi Vijaya Lakshmi, whose first name means “victory,” is a significator of success, instilling devotees with hope and inspiration. Clothed in red, bedecked with flowers, and seated on a lotus, Vijaya Lakshmi is depicted with eight hands — one with a discus, one with a sword, one with a shield, one with a noose, one with a conch, one with a lotus, one in Abhaya mudra, and one in Varada mudra. Manifesting for the purpose of helping people conquer life’s impediments with tenacity and grit, Vijaya Lakshmi favors those who maintain a positive attitude in the face of all difficulties. While she can be prayed to for success in any endeavor, devotees are especially encouraged to invoke her guidance on the path of spirituality. Though Lakshmi’s forms are distinct, her encompassing nature is that of a nurturing and protective mother whose wealth is considered to be boundless. She gives to devotees what they need, while at the same time encouraging them to work hard and persevere. Her presence can be invoked by maintaining cleanliness, offering flowers, and lighting lamps. But the best way to reach out to any Ashta Lakshmi form is simply to pray with fervent sincerity.
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