(former suitcase) remains face down and is not revealed. Split Personality cannot be Deployed if there are less than 4 cards in the Draw Deck. (5) Cache TUCK: Play face-up in your play area. Tuck a card from the top or bottom of the Discard Pile or one of your Guards under Cache. You may exchange the tucked card with a card from your hand during your last turn of the game. The exchange must take place during your last turn, you can play the exchanged card or save it to use as your Final Card. Place the card under Cache so the Card Number can be seen by all players. (6) Resilience TRIGGER: If assassinated, you may 昀氀ip Resilience face up to block the assassination. Once 昀氀ipped face up (for any reason) Resilience no longer has any effect. If Resilience is 昀氀ipped for any reason it no longer has any impact on Card Appendix - Emerald Deck 6