WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 BELLINGEN SHIRE NEWS – PAGE 11 Antipodes will entertain at 5 Church St Antipodes will raise the roof this weekend in Bellingen. he trans-Tasman jazz Trio. Saxophonist Baxendale, a interactive approach to the and mixed by Richard Belkner “Both Richard and Nate Antipodes will perform at Tcollaboration is touring key force behind the burgeoning music, the strong melodies at Free Energy Device Studios are jazz musicians,” notes 5 Church Street on Saturday, Australia throughout August, Kiwi band Th e Jac, is one tying together long, open in Sydney, and features Aidan Baxendale, “And I think that August 20th. and is fi nally reaching the of the most energetic forces improvisations. Described as Lowe, who came from Berlin was really important to us, Doors open at 6pm for Bellingen Shire on Saturday the coming from the underground “a northern European aesthetic to perform on the album, and to have people who really delicious dinners and drinks, 20th. Wellington jazz scene. Having with an authentic Australasian trumpeter Ken Allars. Th e understand intimately the music starts at 7pm. Formed in 2013 aft er alto extensively toured Australia feel”, the sounds are drawn from album was mastered by Nate nature of acoustic, instrumental, Pre-booked tickets are $20 on saxophonist Jake Baxenhall met and New Zealand, Antipodes a mixture of contemporary jazz, Wood in New York City. improvised music.” (02) 6655 0873 or at the door. pianist Luke Sweeting at a jam are now on their seventh tour pop and folk, and improvised session in Berline, their musical of Australia, featuring the music. connection became immediately nationally celebrated kiwi Antipodes album, as with apparent and they began guitarist-composer Callum the group as a whole, is a writing and performing original Allardice, leading Sydney collaborative eff ort, with compositions together. With double bassist Noel Mason music written by Baxendale, Jake hailing from Wellington and the hard-grooving Sydney Allardice, and Sweeting, with and Luke based in Sydney, drummer Tim Geldens. an off ering from Sydney bassist Antipodes seemed like an apt Th e group focuses on an Max Alduca. It was recorded name for the far-fl ung trio. Since then Jake and Luke have toured Australia and New GGIG GUIDE – GIG GUIDEIG GUIDE – GIG GUIDE Zealand every year, joined by the multi- award winning Fri 19th August Wed 24th August guitarist and composer Callum • Joe Newton - 5 • Jazz on the Deck Allardice and a rotating cast of Church Street, 6pm - Federal Hotel, 8:30pm top trumpet players, drummers • River Sounds - Bellingen Fri 26th August and double bassists from both Showground, 4:00 - • Ahva + Kaya Boom Australia and New Zealand. 11:15pm, Funkatu, Harvey, - “Harmonic House Allardice and Baxendale have a The Nikkis, The Stained 2”- Federal Hotel, 8:30pm host of achievements, including Daisies, Nice Biscuit, • Wild Thyme - 5 Church winning the 2021 NZ Best Jazz Dallas Woods, The Regime, Street, 6pm Artist Award. Butterfingers + DJs Sat 27th August Th e quintet will arrive in Sat 20th August • Thora Zoo - Federal Bellingen eager to impress, as Hotel, 8:30pm Luke is keenly aware of the • Antipodes - 5 Church regions high standard for jazz Street, 6pm Sun 4th September performance. • Unison - Bellingen • Father’s Day - Ocean “Its the fi rst time Antipodes Community Markets, 10am View Hotel, 11am has toured to Bellingen, and they • River Sounds - Bellingen are really looking forward to Showground,12:00- REGULAR GIGS connecting with the enthusiastic 11:15pm, LTTLE KNG, Every ursday jazz and art community,” Luke Tanuki, Rear Wheel Drive, • Local Musician(s) - 5 Church said. Samba Soul, Sunfruits, The Street Bellingen, 6pm “Ive personally spent some Pinheads, Jerome Farah, Some ursdays time camping out in Dorrigo The Lazy Eyes, Resin Dogs, • Open Mic - Dorrigo Golf National Park, chasing waterfalls Biz (LIVE), Stonefield, Baker Club, 5pm - 0419156646 and visiting natures beauty Boy, Regurgitator + DJs Every Sunday within the Bellingen region. Sun 21st August For me it reminds me of times • River Sounds - Bellingen • “Sunday Session” - Ocean Antipodes has toured our Jakes Showground,1:00 - 9:30pm, View Hotel Urunga 3pm hometown, Golden Bay, in New Titan Sky, Altai, Sunset 2nd Friday of Month Zealand. So much beauty, and Strut, Black Pallas, The • Joe Newton - 5 wonderfully rich communities Good Love, The Meanies, Church Street, 6pm that enjoy the arts.” Vlossom, Teen Jesus & the Last Friday of Month Luke is a pianist known for Jean Teasers, The Terrys, • Wild Thyme - 5 Church his indelible work with jazz- Alex the Astronaut + DJs Street, 6pm improv group the Grey Wing