PAGE 12 – BELLINGEN SHIRE NEWS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 Bellingen UHA’s massive year supporting hospital patients LEFT TO RIGHT: Puppy Lola with Merridy Huxley, Margaret White, North Eastern Regional Representative Dee Hunter, President Deb Anderson, Patron Nancy Hobson, Life Member Irene Chesterman, Treasurer Yvonne Thomas and Gwen Vickers. ellingen Hospital and Pink to step into the position at the next eff orts of our volunteers enough,” Ms BAuxiliary has just 35 members AGM. Anderson said. but that didnt stop the volunteers Her dedicated off -sider, Yvonne “I extend a warm welcome to our from donating more than $75,000 Th omas, will also serve her last new volunteers, and thank everyone in equipment to Bellinger River year as Treasurer having fi lled the for their time, baking and bottling, District Hospital in the past year. executive committee position for the rostering, accounting, ticket selling, Th e massive donation, which past 17 years. cheerfulness and friendship.” included $55,227 for a theatre table, Nancy Hobson, a volunteer for Special guest Dee Hunter, the a $4,250 wheelchair, $2100 for a more than 40 years and United UHAs North Eastern Regional Sara Stedy patient lift er, $13,192 Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW Life Representative, also praised the in vital signs monitors and $300 in Member, continues as branch branch for its remarkable resilience, fl eecy comfort throws, was tabled at patron. cohesion and determination during the branchs recent annual general Not prepared to rest on their what has been a challenging year. meeting. laurels, the volunteers have now “I couldnt be prouder of your Th e volunteer-run café, Marys Tea turned their attention to the 2022- achievements this year,” Ms Hunter House, provided most of the funds, 23 fi nancial year, busily working said. “You continue to make a but the donation was also boosted by toward a $17,000 target for a bladder remarkable contribution to our local a Mothers Day Raffl e and recycling scanner. hospital and the health and welfare bottles. Th ey also recently donated another of our community.” President Deb Anderson will serve Sara Stedy patient lift er to the Two members were awarded 10- her eighth and fi nal year in the role, hospital. year service certifi cates – Teresa hoping to mentor one of her team “Once again, I cannot praise the McKinnon and Jo Bathgate. BELLINGEN GOLF CLUB RESULTS By RUTH HALL NTPs fell to Rod Watt, Ruth Hall, R/U Bruce Baigent 94 / 73 on a C/B Saturday 6th – A 2BBB Multiplier, Craig McMahon, Dave Mayo, Pop Lowest gross - Doug Lowe sponsored by Coastal Aluminium. Johnson and Greg Kenny. Monthly Mug - Doug Lowe Th e winning pair was John Molloy Saturday 13th – Th e August Best putter - Greg Hawke with 25 & Shane Heff ernan with 64 points, Monthly Medal and Round 1 of on a C/B. beating Nick Jenkins & Ruth Halls the Mens Club Championships all NTPs went to Brendan Alford, 61 points. Th e ball-run went to 33 rolled into one event. Rob Anderson (2), Dennis Lyon and individual points and included Pop A Grade: Craig McMahon 78 / 68 Shane Heff ernan. Johnson, Craig McMahon, Shane over R/U Rob Anderson 78 / 71 Th e ball run went to nett 73 on Heff ernan, Graeme OConnor, Lowest gross - Rob Anderson a C/B and included Pop Johnson, Cormac McMullan, Nick Jenkins, B Grade Winner: Shane Heff ernan Phil Lynch, Rob Crawford, Mike Ross Williams, Martin Turner, 88 / 70 over R/U Rod Watt 85 / 70 Raymond, Paul Lazarus, Brendan Rob Crawford, Col Osland, Marg Lowest gross - Rod Watt Alford, Graeme OConnor and Girdwood and Terry Cleary. C Grade: Doug Lowe 91 / 68 over Bruce Baigent.