Executive Director’s Message 2022 was a monumental year in the history of Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward. Our new facility at 34 Wallbridge-Loyalist Road was ready for the animals in mid-September. This long-awaited shelter was designed with animal care and safety in mind, right down to the paint colours. The public was eager to see our new ‘forever home’ and we experienced record numbers of visitors as well as volunteer applications. Our community room hosted visits from young and young-at-heart groups who toured our building and learned about the animals in our care. This bright space, with adjoining kitchen, will host HSHPE programming and is available for members of the public to rent. My ongoing thanks to the dedicated, professionally-trained and compassionate staff team. Supporting them is our force of volunteers, who perform animal care, dog walking, laundry/ dishwashing duties and event support. Our volunteer Board members, led by fearless leader Donna Endicott, serve the organization at the governance and strategic planning level. You are all the backbone of the HSHPE and we absolutely could not do what we do without you. As for the generosity of the public, I continue to be amazed with your ongoing contributions of financial and in-kind donations to support the animals in our care and our new facility. My thanks to all for making my job exciting, invigorating and most certainly, never boring! 8