OUR COMMUNITY IMPACT AREA 2020-21 2021-22 % CHANGE NOTES Includes support for St Giles Trust, Whitechap- Volunteering hours / person 10 12.25 23% el Mission, Pause, Never More Needed, Yes all Men, Green New Deal Rising, The Pas- sage, UK Sports Leadership 100% of staff involved with pro bono and Volunteering/pro-bono as % volunteering time during the year across a of total time 3.8% 5.4% 42% range of issues. Being back in the office meant we were able to offer group volunteering activities for the whole team COMMUNITY Knowledge sharing – 7 15 114% number of events Knowledge sharing – 1 4 300% Invited to talk to other companies about our 1-2-1 conversations Climate Positive Plan and share learnings 29
Forster Communications Impact Report 2021-22 Page 28 Page 30