Panna Meena ka Kund Panna Meena ka Kund's architecture is unique. The fact that you cannot return up the steps you used to descend makes this spot even more amazing. If you are unfamiliar with the subject, it would be challenging to comprehend the logic behind these techniques. On the other hand, locals are familiar with these steps since they have acclimated to this location. ENTRY FEE Panna Meena Kund has no entry fee. Like most other locations in Amer, it is free to visit, except the Amer Fort and the Anokhi Museum. You can see it from sunrise to sunset. BEST TIME TO VISIT It is preferable to visit during the monsoon season to avoid the heat and take in the tranquil ambience of the water and to fully appreciate the natural beauty of this site. Therefore, the best time to visit the Panna Meena ka Kund is from October to March.