Priority 10: Priority 11: Priority 12: A Dynamic Reinforcing Collateral Amplifying the Destination Narrative Proposition To bring the destination Perceptions of Wake昀椀eld are narrative to life and ensure Extending reach can be coloured by its post-industrial the destination proposition achieved by consistent heritage. Telling a ‘true’ su昀케ciently resonates with messaging and cross-selling story of a place on a journey, the growth markets tailored across all the routes to market investing in place and people, collateral will be required. used by Wake昀椀eld businesses will have emotional heft Much of this already exists and by regional partners. This and stimulate interest. The within Experience Wake昀椀eld will also help create a sense story should not whitewash but should be reviewed and of a coherent destination for or overpromise but convey developed as necessary. partners and stakeholders – the sense of creativity and and among visitors. regeneration; it should focus on culture and sculpture as USPs. This narrative can evolve over time and be used to inform destination marketing by Experience Wake昀椀eld, through the WY LVEP and by businesses.
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