Pipeline Projects Looking ahead, there are several exciting In addition to these projects, there are developments in the pipeline which build numerous ongoing public realm investments, on the existing o昀昀er and, shown the right town centre and regeneration projects in level of support, will have major bene昀椀ts for Wake昀椀eld, Castleford and Pontefract which will Wake昀椀eld’s visitor economy. These include: support the visitor experience by creating new • Tileyard Phase 2 including new creative and improved public spaces, better linkages between places and improved accessibility. industries workspace in 2024 and a boutique hotel to follow • Wake昀椀eld Exchange – the development of a transformational public event space and creative hub opening late 2024 • New City Library & Museum in Wake昀椀eld city centre • Queen’s Mill renovation and Castleford Boho regeneration • New 3 star hotel near to the site of the old Westgate Station, Wake昀椀eld – beginning late 2025 Left Image: Peddler Market, Tileyard North. Right Image: Queen's Mill, Castleford. 13

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